A letter in the Parsha of Parshat Tatsva After the Israelites were commanded in Parashah Teruma to build the Temple vessels, our Parashah deals with preparing the priests for their work in the Temple. The process of lighting the perpetual candle and then describing the sacred garments of the priests, The High Priest dressed in his special garments and the sons of Aaron dressed in their garments and prepared for the work assigned to them in the Tabernacle. The parsha concludes with the foundational event of the offering of the atonement on Yom Kippur, once and for all during the year, on the holiest day. "And Aaron shall make atonement upon its horns once a year..." (Chapter 30, verse 10) The "P" that wraps around the word "Vakfar" expresses the great importance of this day. And in the words of Ramsey Joel: "And Aaron made atonement on his horns, a double and great and notable one, because the atonement of Yom Kippur was important and great, therefore it was done in this way." The words of Haramzi Yoel are directed against the P of "and village," but one can see that the entire environment is imbued with the P of "popot," perhaps to emphasize the importance of the event.