Get to Heaven Keep the Seven

Everybody wants spirituality. To be a good person means to walk in G-d's ways. How does that translate to reality? The only guidebook to spirituality that has stood the test of time is the Hebrew Bible. The Bible says that the Jews will be a light onto the nations. But if you are not a born Jew, you have to convert, which is not so easy!! If you do convert, it is a lot of work to be a Jew (three times a day prayer, keeping kosher, observing the Sabbath).

This blog will show you how to be Jewish without the work!!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

All I need from you is Love

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Yehuda Lave, Spiritual Advisor and Counselor

Draw On Your Experience

  In what contexts have you already been patient? Even the most impatient person will be able to think of a few. Realize that you can now access this very same patience in new contexts where you haven't yet been as patient as you would like to be.

Love Yehuda Lave

Yankees in Zion

New Book Review from Segula Magazine

Why did the elephant cross the road(or the river in this case)

To get to the other side of course

Winter solstice 2017: Five things you should know about the shortest day of the year - The Washington Post

Conversation In The Airport

Two elegant dressed ladies happened to start up a conversation during an endless wait in the airport.

The first lady was an arrogant French woman married to a mercenary man.

The second was a seasoned elderly woman from North Europe.

When the conversation centered on whether they had any children, the French woman started by saying, "When my first child was born,my husband gave a luxury residence as a gift to me."

The lady from the North commented, "Well, bless your heart."

The first woman continued, "When my second child was born, my husband bought me a beautiful sport car.

Again, the lady from the North commented, "Well, bless your heart."

The first woman continued boasting, "Then, when my third child was born, my husband bought me this very expensive exquisite diamond necklace.

Yet again, the Northern lady commented, "Well, bless your heart."

The first woman then asked her companion, "What did your husband buy for you when you had your first child?"

"My husband sent me to charm school," declared the Northern lady.

"Charm school?" the first woman screamed, What is that for?"

The Northern lady responded, "Well for example, instead of saying "Who gives a ____?" I learned to say, "Well, bless your heart".


Here's The Important Reason We Don't Get Mad Chemistry Kits For Gifts Any More

ALL I ASK OF YOU (Josh Groban & Sarah Brightman)


Rabbi Binyamin Kahane- Parshat VaYechi

When Jacob died, his sons took his body to Canaan for burial in Me'arat HaMachpela. When they arrived, however, they found Esav waiting for them with some "news"- "The remaining burial plot in the cave belongs to me," he said.

The stunned sons tried reminding Esav that he sold the spot to Jacob. Nothing doing. After an exchange of words (see Sotah 13a for details), they agreed that Naftali would run to Egypt and bring the document confirming that the burial plot was indeed sold to Jacob. In the meantime, they waited.

One of those waiting was Chushim, son of Dan. Chushim was deaf and therefore did not hear the discussion between his uncles and Esav. At a certain point, he asked his uncles what was causing the delay. They replied that Esav was holding up the burial until Naftali returned from Egypt.

Chushim was shocked: "Should my grandfather lie here in dishonor until Naftali returns?!" He immediately grabbed a stick, ran up to Esav, and killed him with a blow to the head. The Talmud relates that Esav's eyes fell out of their sockets and rested next to the legs of Jacob- an event memorialized by the verse, "The righteous one shall rejoice when he sees vengeance; he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked" (Psalms 58:11).

This story is very strange. Why was Chushim the only one present who was shocked at what was happening? Why was he the only one who rose up to put an end to the disgraceful situation? Didn't anyone else care about Jacob's honor? Where were the zealots Shimon and Levi? Where was the mighty Yehuda?

The answer to these questions teaches us an awesome lesson. The difference between Chushim and the rest of Jacob's progeny was that Chushim was the only one not involved in the negotiations with Esav. Psychologically, the moment you hear out the other party and consider his point of view, even the most outrageous claim begins to be "understood." The very act of discussing it desensitizes you as you get accustomed to ideas which previously seemed absurd.

Without a doubt, if someone had told Jacob's sons beforehand that Esav was waiting for them at Me'arat HaMachpela to prevent their father's burial, they would have boiled over with holy rage and made sure they knew how to handle the situation. But what happened was, the moment they arrived, Esav made his case: "It's mine." Sure, Jacob's sons were shocked and angry, but it is human nature not to want to leave an argument or claim unanswered. And so they reminded him that he had sold the birthright. Esav immediately countered, "I never sold my burial spot."

At this point, the brothers knew Esav was wrong, but the fact is he had made an argument, and an argument demands some kind of answer. More importantly, at this stage Jacob's sons found themselves in the heat of a negotiation process. A neutral observer could easily get the impression that both sides were making reasonable claims. He would certainly have great difficulty realizing that before him stood a scoundrel whose entire goal was to disgrace Jacob.

Chushim, meanwhile, did not hear any of the back and forth. He knew only one thing: "My grandfather is lying here in disgrace!" Jacob's sons certainly knew exactly the kind of derelict, cheater, and murderer Esav was. But since they had entered into negotiations with him, they began to think that he was perhaps being sincere this time, and said to themselves, "All we need to do is convince him that we are right and everything will be okay." But Chushim did not have the opportunity to become "convinced" of Esav's sincerity and did not understand how the brothers were allowing this low-life to delay, even for a moment, the burial of Jacob, the father of the nation. And so, he stood up and took action!

Sometimes it is forbidden to negotiate. "What's wrong with it?" people ask. "After all, you're only talking?" But it's not so. When you hear out the other person- even if you know he is a liar with evil intentions- you will begin to "understand" him and think there might be something to what he is saying, after all.

Unfortunately, for years now we have been exposed to the lies of our enemies. Recently, even those faithful to Eretz Yisrael have begun to "adjust to the reality." We have grown used to htings that would never have entered our minds only a few years ago. Heaven forbid it! Let us be zealous for truth, and not have inferiority complexes when facing false claims from the lowest of peoples. WE ARE RIGHT! IT IS OUR LAND, AND NO FOREIGN NATION SHALL DWELL IN IT!

Darks Shel Torah, 1997

Barry Manilow - Could It Be Magic

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or sequence of words that reads the same backwards as forwards. Punctuation and spaces between the words or lettering is allowed.

Palindrome Examples7th grade8th grade9th gradeMiddle SchoolHigh SchoolCollege


Examples of Palindromes 

The longest single word palindrome in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is the onomatopoeic 'tattarrattat', coined by James Joyce in Ulysses (1922) for a knock on the door. Fun fact: the longest palindrome in use today is said to be the Finnish word "saippuakivikauppias" which means soap stone vendor. Other fun palindromes include:

Single Word Palindromes

  • Anna
  • Civic
  • Kayak
  • Level
  • Madam
  • Mom
  • Noon
  • Racecar
  • Radar
  • Redder
  • Refer
  • Repaper
  • Rotator
  • Rotor
  • Sagas
  • Solos
  • Stats
  • Tenet
  • Wow

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Multiple Word Palindromes

  • Don't nod.
  • I did, did I?
  • My gym
  • Red rum, sir, is murder
  • Step on no pets
  • Top spot
  • Was it a cat I saw?
  • Eva, can I see bees in a cave?
  • No lemon, no melon

History of the Palindrome 

The word palindrome is derived from the Greek 'palin,' or "back" and 'dromos' or "direction." The actual Greek phrase alluded to the backward movement of the crab. Palindromes date back to about 70AD, when they were first found as a graffito buried in ash at Herculaneum.

This first known palindrome was in Latin and read "sator arepo tenet opera rotas" which means either:

The sower Arepo holds the wheels with effort.orThe sower Arepo leads with his hand the plough.

Not exactly a grammatically correct sentence, but still pretty fun.

Palindromes were also found in ancient Greek and in ancient Sanskrit, so obviously people have been having quite a lot of fun with these unique words for quite a long time.

Another aspect of the palindrome is that it is able to reproduce itself. If a word is formed from the first letters of each word, and then from the second, the third and so on, it can then be arranged into a word square. A word square can be read in four different ways: horizontally or vertically from either top left to bottom right or bottom right to top left.

Types of PalindromesCharacter by Character

The most common of English palindromes are those that are read character by character, for instance, level, rotor and racecar. Character by character means that each character of the word matches, and the word can be spelled the same forwards or backwards.

"Madam I'm Adam" is a famous character by character palindrome. Palindrome examples also exist in phrases or sentences where punctuation, capitals and spacing are ignored. For instance "Sit on a potato pan, Otis". One of perhaps the most famous palindromes that exist in this form is "Able was I, ere I saw Elba."

Name Palindromes

Palindromes exist in names too; a past Prime Minister of Cambodia was named Lon Nol.

Word Palindromes

Some palindromes use whole words rather than letters, for example "First ladies rule the State and state the rule: ladies first." There, instead of each character matching, the whole sentence can be read backwards and forwards. The individual letters don't match, but the whole words do.

Number Palindromes

Palindromes aren't just a word game. They are also found in numbers and are studied in recreational mathematics. In fact, a palindromic prime is a palindromic number that is a prime number, such as 191 and 313.

Palindromes are even seen in molecular biology. Many molecular lengths between 4 and 8 nucleotides are palindromic as they correspond to nitrogenous sequences that read the same forwards as they do backwards.

Other Types of Palindromes

Palindromes are seen in dates, and even in acoustics when a phrase once recorded and played backwards sounds the same. Palindromes are also found in modern and classical music pieces. 


The purpose of using palindromes in your writing, whether it's words, whole sentences or numbers, is to create something entertaining. Consider them brain teasers. So go ahead and have fun with them!



See you tomorrow

Love Yehuda Lave

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

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