Get to Heaven Keep the Seven

Everybody wants spirituality. To be a good person means to walk in G-d's ways. How does that translate to reality? The only guidebook to spirituality that has stood the test of time is the Hebrew Bible. The Bible says that the Jews will be a light onto the nations. But if you are not a born Jew, you have to convert, which is not so easy!! If you do convert, it is a lot of work to be a Jew (three times a day prayer, keeping kosher, observing the Sabbath).

This blog will show you how to be Jewish without the work!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Amazing Passover Miracle of Prague How one rabbi’s act of kindness saved the Jews of Prague.

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Yehuda Lave, Spiritual Advisor and Counselor

Feel Grateful for What You Have

 Feel joy with what the Almighty has given you, and do not focus your thoughts on what He has not given you.

Imagine how you would feel if you gave someone a present (although you had no obligation to do so), and he immediately complained that you didn't give him twice as much! You would certainly regret having given him anything.

Failure to appreciate what the Almighty gives you is behaving in a similar manner.

Today, write a list of things you feel you have overlooked appreciating in the past. Be resolved to start feeling grateful for those things.

Love Yehuda Lave

The Amazing Passover Miracle of Prague How one rabbi's act of kindness saved the Jews of Prague.

In this animated feature, one of the little known stories of Jewish survival is told

News | WOW! The price of a round-trip between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv falls by up to 40% Zev Stub

  Monday, 26 March 1:20 PM The fast train between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv may be way off, but commuters between Israel's two largest cities are getting a huge gift before Pesach. Starting this Wednesday, March 28, the cost of riding round-trip between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv via public transportation is coming down by as much as 40%.    According to Mynet Jerusalem, the price of a round trip, including the intercity bus plus 4 intra-city rides, currently costs NIS 55.60. Following the reduction, the cost will be just NIS 32.50    This price applies to all modes of public transport, including trains, light rail, and buses. The price will be available only to Rav Kav users, not people paying the driver directly, and applies for people with daily, monthly, and hofshi hodshi plans.    UPDATE: We at Janglo have been trying to understand the announcement, and we think that it means the following: Now, when you pay for inter-city transportation (between cities), the costs of intra-city (inside the city) transport will be refunded. Currently, the price of a round-trip ticket between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv is aIS 32. 
The price reduction is the result of an agreement signed between Minister of Transport Yisrael Katz and the Ministry of Finance to reduce interurban public transport tariffs. Similar reductions will be introduced in other areas of the country as well. 

11 smart alternatives to crowded tourist spots of Israel

NEWS:Beautiful! 7500 Israelis singing together "Good for you" 26 Mar 01:45 PM

We love this video, taken on Good Deeds Day two weeks ago. For another amazing video by Koolulam, see 2,000 Israeli women sing Sia's 'Titanium' for Women's Day

Last Thursday was the 7th day of Pesach. Here is a little learning that will still be timely


The Song of the Sea is read from the Torah every year when the weekly Perashah is read, and it is read on the seventh day of Pesach, and it is recited daily in our prayers; and so it shall be until forever.

 The spectacle of the splitting of the Sea of Suf gave an impetus to Israel and causes them to go forward until the end of time.

The episode of the splitting of the Sea of Suf afforded one of the most stupendous spectacles in history. The mighty waters which Israel had feared more than they feared Pharaoh, now parted and piled up to shield them like crystal walls on both sides of the uncovered sea-bottom; and Israel, protected by the walls of water against the darts and javelins of Egypt, marched across on the dry path. It was a never to be forgotten day of G-d.

All of Nature was in turmoil because its Master was marching with his children.The pillar of cloud which preceded them now moved back to intervene between Israel and Egypt. At the end of the night, fire and cloud descended upon the pursuing army which was now in the middle of the sea-road, whereas Israel had gained the opposite shore. The chariot wheels of Egypt burned off. Now they exhorted each other to flee for their lives, for they saw that G-d was fighting against them for Israel; but it was too late.

The trap was sprung; G-d bade Moses stretch out his arm to send the mighty walls toppling down upon the pursuers, who sank to the bottom like lead, while Israel stood on the shore electrified by the spectacle. The sea which had threatened Israel with a worse fate then Pharaoh's wrath, had rescued them from their enemy; and it now washed up on the shore a huge wealth of booty.

" Then would sing Moshe and Bnei Yisrael". (15:1)          Did the Jews rejoice at the destruction of the Egyptians? Hashem does not rejoice at the destruction of any of His creatures, and it is stated that Hashem did not permit the angels to sing at the drowning of Paro's host (Megilah 10B).         But here we see that Moshe and the Bnei Yisrael sang, and even rejoiced in every detail of the destruction of their enemy.

We understand there from that men, unlike angels, must utilize such opportunities to gain more Awareness of Hashem, and more Gratitude to Him. Angels cannot make any progress, but Moshe and Yisrael can gain understanding of Hashem and thereby improve themselves greatly.           And that is our function in this life, to improve ourselves.

         Not only did Hashem rescue Israel, but He also granted them the exultation of seeing the destruction of their pursuers, while standing safely on the shore.When we see the downfall of the wicked, we gain more Awareness of Hashem's power and His kindliness:" Be elevated, O Judge of the world! Turn back recompense (revenge) upon the arrogant" (Tehillim 94:2).
                                  Quoted from "Behold A People" & "A Nation Is Born" by R' Miller ZT'L

Passover Pesach 2015 Seder Rube Goldberg Machine from Technion in Israel

Technion students get ready for Passover, the festival of freedom, and let their imagination run wild. Watch closely as this Rube Goldberg Machine created by students from the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering and Architecture and Town Planning relates highlights of the Passover story. Filmed in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in The Sydney & Shirley Gendel and Emanuel Friedberg Family Creative Design Student Laboratory, a Project of the American Technion Society, Cleveland Chapter

2018 Technion Rube Goldberg Machine School Challenge Israel's 70th Birthday

SUBSCRIBE 34KTechnion – Israel Institute of Technology, one of the leading institutes of science and engineering in the world, invites you to build your own Rube Goldberg Machine in honor of Israel's 70th Birthday! Happy Birthday Israel! For more details about the contest:

10 Jokes About Jewish Mothers (Compilation) - OldJewsTellingJokes

This compilation's for all the Jewish mothers out there.

See you tomorrow

Love Yehuda Lave

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

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