Everybody wants spirituality. To be a good person means to walk in G-d's ways. How does that translate to reality? The only guidebook to spirituality that has stood the test of time is the Hebrew Bible. The Bible says that the Jews will be a light onto the nations. But if you are not a born Jew, you have to convert, which is not so easy!! If you do convert, it is a lot of work to be a Jew (three times a day prayer, keeping kosher, observing the Sabbath).
This blog will show you how to be Jewish without the work!!
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Jews Who Prayed on Temple Mount Disguised as Muslims Arraigned Today – Are Israel Police Losing It?By David Israel and Truths about the North Pole and The Portion of Vayechithis Shabbat is about Doing G-d's Will and the German language in other European countries and The missing photo of Hitler and the Mufti of Jerusalem and Tryphon was Here, Archeological Find in Hebron Hills Testifies to Hasmonean Days and Shilo and hilltop youth 113021
Yehuda Lave is an author, journalist, psychologist, rabbi, spiritual teacher, and coach, with degrees in business, psychology and Jewish Law. He works with people from all walks of life and helps them in their search for greater happiness, meaning, business advice on saving money, and spiritual engagement.
The portion of Vayechi is the final portion of the Book of Genesis.
Jacob gathers his sons together and says to them "And I will tell you what will happen to you at the end of days" (Genesis 49;1). Jacob the speaks to each of his children and emphasizes every one's special character traits.
"Simeon and Levi are brothers…and with their will they uprooted a bull" (Genesis 49;5-6).
Following the sin of the Golden Calf we find the tribe of Levi doing G-d's will and killing those who had participated in worshipping the calf.
Moses himself, also of the tribe of Levi, uprooted and destroyed the Golden Calf "and he ground it to fine powder" (Exodus32;20). And it was to this act of Moses that Jacob referred to when he spoke to his sons: "and with their will they uprooted a bull"- the same bull/calf.
An allusion to this is found in the additional crown on the letter "resh" in the word "shor" (ox). (Remazei Rabbenu Yoel)
זוהי תבנית בסיס לבנייה ועיצוב דיוור לרשימת התפוצה. בכל חלק של התבנית מניעים לפעולה. בחלק הראשון – חדשות מרכזיות,באזורים הבאים תכנים נוספים, לא פחות חשובים בכל אזור כפתור שמסביר בדיוק לאן לעבור ולא לשכוח תמונה מעולה, שתעזור ללקוח לקבל החלטה נכונה.
התבנית הזאת מתאימה לבעלי חנות מסחר אלקטרוני לדיוור על מוצרים חדשים ומבצעים או לבעלי סדנאות וקורסים דיגיטליים.
The Three Musketeers at the Kotel
Shilo and hilltop youth 113021
On the second day of Chanukah, we visit ancient Shilo, the site of the
temple in Israel for 369 years. Inspiring and then on to visit the
hilltop youth who are protecting the land of Israel
Tryphon was Here, Archeological Find in Hebron Hills Testifies to Hasmonean Days
Photo Credit: COGAT
Projectile discovered with Seleucid ruler Tryphon's name on it.
A lead projectile bearing the name of Tryphon, a Seleucid ruler who fought the Hasmoneans, was unveiled by the IDF's Civil Administration on Sunday, on the eve of the first candle of Chanukah, evidence of the Hasmonean days in Judea.
The find, which was discovered at the Tel Zif site in the southern Hebron Mountains, is about three centimeters long, and clearly shows a Greek inscription bearing the name of the ruler Tryphon, who ruled the Seleucid kingdom between 145-138 BCE. The projectile also bears the symbol of the Greek god Zeus.
Head of Archeology at the Civil Administration, Hanania Hizmi said this discovery "joins a wealth of other finds discovered by the Civil Administration in recent years."
"We continue to discover new finds that constitute another tier to the rich history that took place in the Judea and Samaria area hundreds and thousands of years ago," he stated.
Diodotus Tryphon initially signed a pact with the Hasmonean rulers of Judea, but subsequently turned on them and attempted to attack Jerusalem. During his rule, the Hasmonean Jewish state achieved full independence.
The missing photo of Hitler and the Mufti of Jerusalem
When Yad Vashem exhibits were redone, a telling photo was not returned to the prominent position it had had before. Why not? Op-ed.
Shalom Pollack ,
Mufti Amin al Husseini und Adolf HitlerBundesarchiv, Bild 146-1987-004-09A / Heinrich Hoffmann / CC-BY-SA
I would like to introduce a notorious Nazi SS general, a leading Muslim cleric and the father of a nation - all in one.
This person is Haj Amin al Husseini.
Husseini was the powerful patriarch of the leading Arab clan in Palestine in the first half of the twentieth century. He used his political power and religious influence for his life's motif - the murder of Jews.
In an attempt to "mainstream" the Mufti of Jerusalem '' the British appointed him to an official position of power and responsibility.It did not work. It only gave him the platform and prestige to pursue his passion of killing Jews.
This he accomplished on numerous occasions, most notably by instigating the barbaric Hebron massacre of dozens of Jewish families in 1929. (Note: in 1929, there was no Zionist "apartheid occupation", no "occupied territories" nor "settlers"; just Jews of all ages living in Hebron and horriblly killed by their neighbors)
A Nazi sympathizer, he fled British controlled Palestine during the war. He led a Nazi coup in Irag where he instigated the bloody "Farhud" pogrom against the Jewish community of Iraq.
He then fled to Germany where he was made an honorary SS general by Himmler and proceeded to do all he could in helping the Hitler regime kill Jews. He addressed the Arab world by radio from Berlin winning huge support for the Nazis. He raised divisions of Muslim that fought in the Nazi army. One of their tasks was to guard so that Jews do not escape the trains to death camps.
Husseini intervened in a deal that would have saved a train load of Jewish children for a bribe. Husseini would not allow one Jewish child to escape the gas chambers.
Together with Himmler he visited the death camps and drew plans to build a "facility" in the Dotan valley in Samaria where the half million Jews of Palestine would be gassed as soon as Rommel defeated the British. Eichmann was quoted as saying: "I am a personal friend of the Grand Mufti. We have promised that no European Jew would enter Palestine any more."
After the war, SS general Husseini found refuge in Syria from war crimes judgment. Wherever he appeared in the Arab world he was received as a hero and mentor. His Nazi credentials together with his clerical position were the calling card that opened every door in the Arab world.
Yasar Arafat called him "the father of the Palestinian people". PA authority president Abbas repeated this accolade.
Yad Vashem, the world's foremost Holocaust Museum and memorial had a large photo of Husseini with Hitler on one wall. Opposite was a photo of Jewish soldiers from Palestine volunteering in the British army in the "Jewish Brigade" The contrast was clear.
I say had, because when Yad Vashem was refurbished and expanded in 2005, the Hitler - Husseini photo did not make it into the new museum.
As a tour guide since 1980, I have visited the old museum numerous times and remember clearly how my tourists were shocked by the duo in the photo.
In the new museum, instead of the Husseini - Hitler photo there is a far smaller one of Husseini and Himmler, in a dark corner that no one sees. I finally located it.
When I wrote to Yad Vashem and asked why they removed the photo from the new museum, I was told that the new museum "concentrates on the victims and less on the perpetrators". However just a few feet from the small Husseini - Himmler photo is an entire wall of perpetrators - the architects of the "Wannsee Conference" that drew up the plans for the Holocaust.
I asked a number of local official Yad Vashem guides about the photo. They either did not know of it or said it was political and they did not discuss it with visitors. They were uncomfortable with my inquiry.
I wondered if associating Palestinian Arabs with Nazis was no longer politically correct since the Oslo accords with Arafat in 1993.
All this happened a few years ago. I felt then like I was fighting windmills by myself and so I put my efforts on pause.
Today there is a new chairman of Yad Vashem,
Mr. Dani Dayan came to the position with "right wing " credentials, so I renewed my efforts.I wrote to him asking that he return the photo and asked for a meeting with him about the subject. I was refused a meeting and told that there will be no changes made.
I then encouraged people to write to Yad Vashem and request that the photo be returned. The letter writers were made to understand that there never was such a photo. Emails began bouncing back to the senders. I enquired with Yad Vashem and was told that they changed the email address. I was told the new one and the letter campaign resumed.
In mid-November 2021, Mr. Dayan addressed a well-known and affluent synagogue in Westhampton, NY. My brother, a member of the community, approached Mr. Dayan and told him of my concern. He said he was aware of it and assured him It is not political. My brother asked if he would meet me. He agreed and so I received a call from his office for a meeting.
At the meeting Dayan told me he did not meet with me earlier because he did not like the tone of the letters written to him. He told me that "no one will lecture him on Zionism and love of Israel. His credentials speak for themselves." That is true, which is why I had expectations.
He claimed that I was interested not in historical record but the politics of the Jewish - Arab conflict. I said it was both, which he did not accept. He added that Yad Vashem is not a museum of the Arab - Jewish conflict, that Husseini played only a tiny part in the Holocaust and did not warrant more space than he has in the museum.
He told me that he is in charge and won't bring the photo back, if there ever was one. His advisor chimed in: "There was never such a photo." She asked me if I had photographic proof and I reminded her that it is forbidden to bring cameras into the museum. I asked her if the many signed testimonies of veteran guides that I have gathered is proof enough and she said it was a possibility.
Mr. Dayan was frustrated that I continued to hold firm to my position. I told him that there are growing numbers of people, Jews and non-Jews, who want the truth not be hidden at Yad Vashem and the photo returned. He asked that I leave his office.
I intend to continue my efforts to bring the full truth back to Yad Vashem. Political correctness will not stop me. "Jews, Israelis and Arabs" is my new book that sheds light on the current state of affairs in Israel and at places like "Yad Vashem"
Shalom Pollack is a veteran tour guide, who says: "I have the oppportunity to observe many sides of our beloved country. As a Jew who has come home, I am passionate about sharing my observations and thoughts." He can be reached shalompollack613@gmail.com
Jews Who Prayed on Temple Mount Disguised as Muslims Arraigned Today – Are Israel Police Losing It?
Two "Temple Mount Mista'arvim" who were arrested in their homes by the Jerusalem Police Wednesday will be brought before a judge on Thursday. The detainees are Temple Mount activists who last week starred in a Channel 13 News report that put to shame the Jerusalem Police and the discriminatory policy it enforces at the Temple Mount compound. Meet the Temple Mount Mista'arvim…
The video is in Hebrew, but here's the gist of it: The Hozrim La'Har (Returning to the Temple Mount) movement has been training Jewish activists to pose as Muslims – and pious Muslims at that – so they can enter the compound through the gates the Arabs use at all hours of the day and night – instead of the single gate that's open to Jews for a restricted number of hours.
If you subscribe to Netflix and watched the show Fauda, you know about the Mista'arvim, counter-terrorism units of the IDF, Border Police, and Israel Police who operate undercover in Arab cities in Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip. These units are specifically trained to assimilate into the local Arab population to gather intelligence and make arrests. The Mista'arvim course takes four months and covers everything from learning Arabic, becoming thoroughly familiar with Arab traditions and ways of thinking, to dyeing the cadets' hair, picking dark contact lenses, and picking a passable Arab attire.
Hozrim La'Har Chairman Refael Morris teaches all of that to his group of activists who are eager to pray on the Temple Mount and enjoy the unlimited access that Muslim believers do. In some ways, the risk they would endure, standing in a long line of Muslims with their prayer rugs on the ground before them, is even bigger than those Duvdevan fighters who can rely on their weapons should they be discovered. Imagine getting caught davening the Amida prayer inside a mob of hundreds of Arabs…
The police are aware of this group, which isn't trying to conceal its activities. Several attempts of the members to pray disguised as Muslims have been thwarted, but a few have made it and prayed to Hashem the way you're supposed to at the Temple Mount: prostrated before His Holiness, just as we do on Yom Kippur.
The two detainees, one of them was Refael Morris (he was picked up during his child's birthday), were interrogated at the Jerusalem Police Station on suspicion of entering a place of worship or burial without permission, a violation of the Penal Code. The Police want them prosecuted for unauthorized entry to a place of worship with the intention of harming a person's feelings or degrading his religion, an offense punishable by 3 years in prison. The cops searched Morris's home. Were they looking for prayer beads? How many years do you serve for hoarding religious items belonging to a different religion?
The court will have to decide whether a Jew needs permission to join a Muslim prayer crowd and whether praying with his fellow monotheists constitutes an attempt to hurt their feelings or degrade their faith. If the court allows this to go on, it should make for a fantastic Supreme Court petition on the nature of prayer and the boundaries the state may impose on the spiritual pursuits of an individual living in a democracy. Delicious.
The detainees are represented by Attorney Nati Rom of the Honenu legal aid society, who said it's all about the cops' bruised egos after the Channel 13 report. "This is an outrageous arrest that befits dark regimes. A person is taped for a report without concealing his identity and without having committed any criminal offense and the Israeli police not only interrogate him but do so at his home, instead of summoning him for interrogation in an orderly manner," Rom said.
"The detainees did not violate public order at all and did not violate the law at all," Rom said. "It's, unfortunately, the police who violate public order and the law, shut mouths, violate freedom of expression, and trample on every human right."
Incidentally, this reporter is not a rabbi and so I should not be made to answer the obvious question: how can a Jews set foot as they are, carrying the tumah of the dead, in the parts of the Temple Mount compound where the Holiest Sanctuary once stood. They dip in the mikvah, but there's the whole part with the ashes of a red heifer they must be sprinkled with – and Jewish history is currently fresh out of red heifer ashes. But you know, I shared the video with a Haredi friend of mine who said in response: "Awesome!"
What are the real truths about the North Pole?There is a physical "North Pole" which is fixed. There is a magnetic North Pole [as used in compasses] which is slowly moving, deep beneath the surface of the Earth and requires navigators to comnpensate for that movement in their calculations, here's how much it has travelled:
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto.
Why is Germany different in every language?There was no such country as "Deutschland" until the 1870s but the region now occupied by Deutschland was occupied by people who spoke a similar set of languages as far back as Roman times. And most of the names we now use for Deutschland are much older than the country itself. However, before it was
And most of the names we now use for Deutschland are much older than the country itself. However, before it was a unified country, it did have a lot of people who identified themselves by a different set of names.
The Romans met up with the "Germani", and called it "Germania" - land of the Germani. For some reason, although "England" is clearly derived from the German "Angles", we went with the Latin word. Go figure.
The French met up with the "Allemani" and called it "Allemane" - land of the Allemani.
In the Baltic, they met up with the Saxons, so most Baltic nations use a variation of "Saxony".
And the Netherlands, speaking a similar language, got the connection and called it "Duitsland".
Yes You can drive from London to Oslo via the Channel Tunnel in less than 24 hours driving. I suggest doing the trip in three stages, two overnight stays.
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