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Everybody wants spirituality. To be a good person means to walk in G-d's ways. How does that translate to reality? The only guidebook to spirituality that has stood the test of time is the Hebrew Bible. The Bible says that the Jews will be a light onto the nations. But if you are not a born Jew, you have to convert, which is not so easy!! If you do convert, it is a lot of work to be a Jew (three times a day prayer, keeping kosher, observing the Sabbath).

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Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Arabs real grievance against the JEWS --we are not all dead yet and Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

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Love Rabbi Yehuda Lave

The Arabs' Real Grievance against the Jews

by Fred Maroun May 7, 2016 at 5:00 am


  • The Arab world still does not today accept the concept of a Jewish state of any size or any shape. Even Egypt and Jordan, who signed peace agreements with Israel, do not accept that Israel is a Jewish state, and they continue to promote anti-Semitic hatred against Israel.

  • During Israel's War of Independence, Jews were ethnically cleansed from Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, and in the years that followed, they were ethnically cleansed from the rest of the Arab world.

  • Jews demand the right to exist, and to exist as equals, on the land where they have existed and belonged continuously for more than three thousand years.

  • We would rather claim that the conflict is about "occupation" and "settlements." The Jews see what radical Islamists are now doing to Christians and other minorities, who were also in the Middle East for thousands of years before the Muslim Prophet Mohammed was even born.

  • The real Arab grievance against the Jews is that they exist.

As Arabs, we are very adept at demanding that our human rights be respected, at least when we live in liberal democracies such as in North America, Europe, and Israel. But what about when it comes to our respecting the human rights of others, particularly Jews?

When we examine our attitude towards Jews, both historically and at present, we realize that it is centered on denying Jews the most fundamental human right, the right without which no other human right is relevant: the right to exist.

The right to exist in the Middle East before 1948

Anti-Zionists often repeat the claim that before modern Israel, Jews were able to live in peace in the Middle East, and that it is the establishment of the State of Israel that created Arab hostility towards Jews. That is a lie.

Before modern Israel, as the historian Martin Gilbert wrote, "Jews held the inferior status of dhimmi, which, despite giving them protection to worship according to their own faith, subjected them to many vexatious and humiliating restrictions in their daily lives." As another historian, G.E. von Grunebaum, wrote, Jews in the Middle East faced "a lengthy list of persecutions, arbitrary confiscations, attempted forced conversions, or pogroms."

The right to exist as an independent state

Zionism stemmed from the need for Jews to be masters of their own fate; no longer to be the victims of discrimination or massacres simply for being Jews. This project was accepted and formally recognized by the British, who had been granted a mandate over Palestine by the League of Nations. The Arab world, however, never accepted the recognition formulated by Britain in the Balfour Declaration of 1917, and it never accepted the partition plan approved by the United Nations in 1947, which recognized the right of the Jews to their own state.

The Arab refusal to accept the Jewish state's right to exist, a right that carries more international legal weight than almost any other country's right to exist, resulted in several wars, starting with the war of independence in 1948-1949. The Arab world still does not today accept the concept of a Jewish state of any size or any shape. Even Egypt and Jordan, which signed peace agreements with Israel, do not accept that Israel is a Jewish state, and they continue to promote anti-Semitic hatred against Israel.

The right to exist in Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem

In 2005, Israel evacuated all its troops and all Jewish inhabitants from Gaza, in the hope that this would bring peace at least on that front, and to allow the Gaza Strip, vacated by Jews, to be a flourishing Arab Riviera, or a second Singapore, and perhaps to serve as a model for the West Bank. The experiment failed miserably. This is a case where Jews willingly gave up their right to exist on a piece of land, but sadly the Palestinians of Gaza took it not as opportunity for peace, but as a sign that if you keep on shooting at Jews, they leave -- so let's keep on shooting.

There are many opinions among Zionists as to what to do about the West Bank. These opinions range from a total unilateral withdrawal as in Gaza, to a full annexation, with many options in between. At the moment, the status quo prevails, with no specific plans for the future.

Everyone, however, despite the treacherous UNESCO's rewriting of history, knows that before that piece of land was called the West Bank, it was called Judea and Samaria for more than two thousand years.

Everyone knows that Hebron contains the traditional burial site of the biblical Patriarchs and Matriarchs, within the Cave of the Patriarchs, and it is considered the second-holiest site in Judaism. Every reasonable person knows that Jews should unquestionably have the right to exist on that land, even if it is under Arab or Muslim jurisdiction. Yet everyone also knows that no Arab regime is capable or even willing to protect the safety of Jews living under its jurisdiction from the anti-Semitic hatred that emanates from the Arab world.

East Jerusalem, which was carved away by the Kingdom of Jordan from the rest of Jerusalem during the war of independence, is part of Jerusalem, and contains the Temple Mount, the Jews' holiest site. The Old City in East Jerusalem was inhabited by Jews up until they were ethnically cleansed by Jordan in the war of 1948-1949.


In May 1948, the Jordanian Arab Legion expelled all of the approximately 2000 Jews who lived in the Old City of Jerusalem, and then turned the Jewish Quarter into rubble.


Although Israel has twice in the past, first under Prime Minister Ehud Barak then under Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, offered East Jerusalem as part of a Palestinian state, that offer is not likely to be made again. Jews know that it would mean a new wave of ethnic cleansing, which would deny the Jewish right to exist on the piece of land where that right is more important than anywhere else.

The right to exist in the Middle East now

During Israel's War of Independence, Jews were ethnically cleansed from Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, and in the years that followed, they were ethnically cleansed from the rest of the Arab world.

Today, Israel's enemies, many of them Arab, are challenging its right to exist, and therefore the right of Jews to exist, on two fronts: threats of nuclear annihilation and annihilation through demographic suffocation.

Iran's Islamist regime has repeated several times its intention to destroy Israel using nuclear weapons. Just in case Iran is not "successful," the so-called "pro-Palestinian" movement, including the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, has a different plan to destroy the Jewish state: a single state with the "return" of all the descendants of Palestinian refugees. The refusal of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his predecessor Yasser Arafat to accept any two-state solution presented to them is part of that plan.

The right to exist elsewhere

Anti-Zionists claim that Jews are imperialists in the Middle East, as were the British and the French, and like them, they should leave and go back to where they belong. This analogy is of course not true: Jews have an even longer history in the Middle East than do Muslims or Arabs.

Do Jews belong in Europe, which tried only a few decades ago to kill every Jew, man, woman, or child? Do Jews belong in North America where until a few hundred years ago, there were no Europeans, only Indians?

Saying that Jews "belong" in such places is not reality; it is just a convenient claim for anti-Zionists to make.

The Jews will not give up

As Arabs, we complain because Palestinians feel humiliated going through Israeli checkpoints. We complain because Israel is building in the West Bank without Palestinian permission, and we complain because Israel dares to defend itself against Palestinian terrorists. But how many of us have stopped to consider how this situation came to be? How many of us have the courage to admit that waging war after war against the Jews in order to deny them the right to exist, and refusing every reasonable solution to the conflict, has led to the current situation?

Our message to Jews, throughout history and particularly when they had the temerity to want to govern themselves, has been clear: we cannot tolerate your very existence.

Yet the Jews demand the right to exist and to exist as equals on the land where they have existed and belonged continuously for more than three thousand years.

In addition, denying a people the right to exist is a crime of unimaginable proportions. We Arabs pretend that our lack of respect for the right of Jews to exist is not the cause of the conflict between the Jews and us. We would rather claim that the conflict is about "occupation" and "settlements". They see what radical Islamists are now doing to Christians and other minorities, who were also in the Middle East for thousands of years before the Muslim Prophet Mohammed was even born: Yazidis, Kurds, Christians, Copts, Assyrians, Arameans, and many others. Where are these indigenous people of Iraq, Syria and Egypt now? Are they living freely or are they being persecuted, run out of their own historical land, slaughtered by Islamists? Jews know that this is what would have happened to them if they did not have their own state.

The real Arab grievance against the Jews is that they exist. We want the Jews either to disappear or be subservient to our whims, but the Jews refuse to bend to our bigotry, and they refuse to be swayed by our threats and our slander.

Who in his right mind can blame them?

Fred Maroun, a left-leaning Arab based in Canada, has authored op-eds for New Canadian Media, among other outlets. From 1961-1984, he lived in Lebanon.


World's biggest diamond to be auctioned in London

What a whopper!

A penny saved is a government oversight. The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat have gotten to be really good friends

. The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement.

 He who hesitates is probably right.

 Did you ever notice: The Roman Numerals for forty (40) are XL.

 The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble

. Did you ever notice: When you put the 2 words 'The' and 'IRS' together it spells 'Theirs!

' Aging: Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it. Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know 'why' I look this way.

I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved

 When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to your youth, think of Algebra. One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it is such a nice change from being young.

Ah, being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable. Lord, keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth.


    A Blessing

{ 1 } Once upon a time, all the villagers decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all the people gathered but only one small boy came with an umbrella.That's FAITH-----------------{ 2 } WHEN You throw a baby in the air, they laugh because they know you will catch them.That's TRUST------------------{ 3 } Almost every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next morning, but still we set the alarms to wake up.That's HOPE-----------------{ 4 } We Plan big things for tomorrow in spite of absolutely no knowledge of the future.That's CONFIDENCE-------------------{ 5 } We see the world suffering and in turmoil, but still we get married.That's LOVE--------------------

{6} On an old woman's shirt was written a cute sentence - 'I Am Not 80 Years Old..,I Am Sweet 16 with 64 Years' Experience.'That's ATTITUDE---------------------------


Happy Birthday Curly from the three stooges

Beautiful flowers site


The Attribute of Humility

The first Mishnah in Pirkei Avot teaches: "Moshe received the Torah from Sinai and passed it on to Yehoshua." It would seem more correct, however, to state that Moshe received the Torah from Hashem, for Mount Sinai did not give the Torah to Moshe, for it does not seem that this is the correct place to mention the geographic location of the giving of the Torah; rather, it should record who the Torah was given to Moshe by, as the Mishnah continues, "And he [Moshe] passed it on to Yehoshua and Yehoshua passed it on to the elders."

Maran zt"l explains this concept based on the words of our Sages in the Midrash which states that when Hashem wished to give the Torah to the Jewish people, various mountains raced and clashed with one another each claiming that the Torah would be given on itself (obviously, this does not mean that the mountains themselves clashed, for mountains are inanimate objects; rather, this means that the angels appointed over these mountains very much wished that the Torah be given on the specific mountain in their charge). Mount Tavor came from Bet Elim and Mount Carmel came from Spain, each wishing for the opportunity for the Torah to be given on it. Hashem told them, "Why do you quarrel with Mount Sinai? Do you not know that you are all considered blemished relative to Mount Sinai?" This means that Hashem considered all of the haughty mountains "blemished." Mount Sinai which was humble, for it was the lowest of all mountains, was considered "unblemished" with regards to the other mountains. Rav Ashe learned from here that an arrogant person is considered "blemished."

Based on this, we can understand the answer to the above question regarding the wording of the Mishnah, "Moshe received the Torah from Sinai," which is actually hinting to the reason why Moshe Rabbeinu and no one else merited receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai. This is what the Tanna meant by writing that Moshe received the Torah "from Sinai," meaning that just like Mount Sinai merited that the Torah was given on it because of its humility and lowliness, Moshe Rabbeinu merited receiving the Torah for the same reason, i.e. because of his extreme humility. Indeed, the Torah attests to this fact by stating, "And the man Moshe was very humble, more than any other man on the face of the earth." The Midrash explains that the words "More than any other man" refer to the fact that he was so humble that he would not grow haughty due to any reason other people may become arrogant as a result of, such as wisdom, prophecy, or sovereignty. Although Moshe encompassed all of these traits, he was nevertheless the humblest man on the face of the earth. For this reason, when Moshe told Hashem, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh," Hashem replied, "Here is a sign for you that I have sent you," meaning that this is exactly the reason I am sending you and no one else, because you belittle yourself.

The reason why Hashem considers specifically arrogant people to be blemished as opposed to people with other destructive character traits is because most people possessing other bad character traits are not in as bad a state as a haughty individual, for if someone has an anger issue, it is quite easy for the individual to realize that he has a short fuse. Similarly, a miser will soon realize that it is more difficult for him to part with his money than his friends. On the other hand, an arrogant individual can live out his entire live without realizing the terrible character flaw he possesses. One must therefore guard himself so that one does not fall into this destructive trap called "arrogance," for Hashem cannot bear an arrogant person, as the verse states, "Hashem's aversion is one haughty of heart." However, a humble person is extremely beloved by Hashem, for this is the very attribute for which Moshe Rabbeinu merited receiving the Torah which formed us into a great nation.

Sorry grapes from someone who was fired--This is what really happened. We got rid of this lefty and replaced him with Liberman

'Bibi lost his way, this is not leadership' -

As a coalition agreement with Yisrael Beytenu appears imminent, Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon spoke out on Thursday about his likely successor and the emerging deal that would transfer the Defense Ministry from Yaalon to Avigdor Liberman.

Gee I wonder why he is complaining?



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