Get to Heaven Keep the Seven

Everybody wants spirituality. To be a good person means to walk in G-d's ways. How does that translate to reality? The only guidebook to spirituality that has stood the test of time is the Hebrew Bible. The Bible says that the Jews will be a light onto the nations. But if you are not a born Jew, you have to convert, which is not so easy!! If you do convert, it is a lot of work to be a Jew (three times a day prayer, keeping kosher, observing the Sabbath).

This blog will show you how to be Jewish without the work!!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

How to spot a liar: Expert reveals the four tell-tale signs that you're being deceived (and there isn't a polygraph test in sight)

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

True Empathy

When you want to comfort and encourage someone who is brokenhearted and discouraged, do not just act dryly, saying the correct words but without your soul being involved. Do not just mutter platitudes and the standards formulas that people use in these situations.

Rather, comfort them with the completeness of your heart and with your entire soul. Your inner love should be manifest in a sincere smile and manner of speech. Fill your heart with enough love and kindness that these attributes will overflow. Only then will you be successful in alleviating the bitterness and depression.

Next time someone needs comforting, focus on these points and see the difference that it makes.

Love Yehuda Lave

How to spot a liar: Expert reveals the four tell-tale signs that you're being deceived (and there isn't a polygraph test in sight)

The four tell-tale signs that reveal when you're being lied to

Noah Zandan, author of TED-Ed lesson The Language Of Lying, from Austin, Texas, says there are four tell-tale signs to help you spot when somebody is telling you porkie pies.

Read the full story:

Is this any way to treat police officers--A sheriff show from the past

New video of Jews in Poland before world War ll

Learn about Foxes


EXCEPTIONAL DOCUMENT This incredible video of the 1939 British Pathé archive footage shows a match between Australia and Palestine (then under British mandate )


You see ... ... ..oui . it is a Star of David on their uniforms .

On the Israel Football Association was originally founded in 1928 as the football federation of Palestine and participated in the World Cup in 1934 and 1938 under the name , Eretz Israel Football Association , was the National Team Jewish.

The fifa guide ( in the most recent statistics from the World Cup ) it is stated explicitly that : The delegations that participated in the qualifying games of 1934 and 1938 are listed under the name hitachduth eretz yisraelit lakadur regel.Une Jewish delegation from Palestine (then under British mandate ) participated in the qualifiers for 1934 and 1938. It was the first Jewish National team.

The VCR Is Officially Dead--so long dear friend

Hezekiah's Tunnel

Hezekiah's tunnel. One of the most astounding archeological discoveries in ancient Jerusalem (David's city), which lies just outside of the walls of what is today known as the "old city of Jerusalem". The commonly known old city was built and expanded by Jewish kings and leaders from the 11th century BCE until the 5th century BCE.

In 701 BCE, realizing that when ready he would need to rebel against the Assyrian rule, the Jewish King Hezekiah, decided to direct the waters of the Gihon spring flowing outside of the walls of Jerusalem, to the west and into the city, so that the city's residents could access water during the siege that that would come. He, naturally, stopped the flow of water outside of the city so that the Assyrians would not have a ready source of water. This is all recorded in one verse in Chronicles II (32:30) "This same Hezekiah also stopped the upper spring of the waters of Gihon, and caused them to flow down on the west side of the city of David. And Hezekiah prospered in all his works."

The work of digging the tunnel throught the sheer rock, in those times, was staggering. The masons carving out the tunnel, centimeter by centimeter, from the two ends of the 533 meter stretch needed to calculate the angles exactly, making sure that the tunnel would gradually descend towards the city at an angle of 0.6 thousandth of a degree, and that they would actually meet in the middle. The engineering and efforts involved in planning and digging the tunnel, which included the fact that only 1 mason could work from each side of the tunnel (the width of the tunnel is between 70-80 centimeters), all point to an almost miracle.
Later in 1880, when an inscription in the tunnel was found by accident by a Jewish schoolboy, the digging of the tunnel could be perceived in all its drama and glory.


Saturday, July 30, 2016


Rabbi Yehuda Lave

Our True Inner Worth

"How precious is man, created in the image of God." (Talmud - Pirkei Avot 3:18)

The inherent value of every person - regardless of accomplishments, wealth, or fame, - is beyond comprehension.

Someone who internalizes this concept cannot possibly suffer from an inferiority complex. Moreover, he loves and respects all other people.

Love Yehuda Lave

68 facts you didn't know about Israel

Rav Kook on The Sanctity of Yom Ha'Atzmaut

I quit my job after watching this

100 legal sites to download free literature:

Thursday, July 28, 2016

BACK FROM THE DEAD' Miracle cancer drug SAVES man given two weeks to live 

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

Don't Demand Perfection

If a person obtains all that he desires and nothing causing him sadness befalls him, he will constantly be happy. His face will shine, he will be physically healthy, and he will age slowly.

How can we reach this utopian state? First, refrain from desiring what is beyond your reach. The simpler your desires, the greater the chance you will be able to meet their requirements. Anything extra you obtain beyond these demands will give you increased happiness, so you have nothing to lose and much to gain by lowering your demands and expectations. This does not rule out striving for realistic goals, only that you give up your DEMANDS for things that you may not be able to obtain.

Secondly, do not allow common day-to-day occurrences to cause you sadness. (e.g. traffic, burnt toast, etc.) Master a perspective of life that will enable you to at least accept minor hardships without becoming sad.

Love Yehuda Lave

BACK FROM THE DEAD' Miracle cancer drug SAVES man given two weeks to live
When something like this is written in such favorable language,it is obligatory to pass the information on to be confirmed as being accurate.It seems too good to be true !I As said previously it is necessary to pass on for verification I hope it is true and will be of   benefit  to the human race.

Drug 'cocktail' could restore vision in optic nerve injury: Channel blocker drug, added to regenerative factors, is key

The glove that gives you super-human strength: Nasa device could DOUBLE your gripping power

The Nasa glove that gives you super-human strength

Using sensors, actuators and tendons that are comparable to human nerves, muscles and tendons the glove (pictured) has the same dexterity of our hands - but with mammoth strength.

Read the full story:

9 July 2016

MARC CHAGALL set to music

The best speech you will ever hear from a former Islamic terrorist recruiter

The architecture of Palestine during the British Mandate New 'Social Construction' exhibit at the Israel Museum explores the European influence on the evolution of Israel's modernist visual heritage.

WATCH: Israeli Ambassador to the US Asks Christians to Stand With Israel

Andre Rieu - Amen

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Jewish Meditation and I need your help

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

Respect For Other People

Your respect for other people comes from your deep awareness that they are created in the Almighty's image. Therefore you never treat anyone else condescendingly. You never belittle anyone. You realize that everyone has something you can learn from. You realize that you need to respect everyone you encounter. This way of interacting with others is an expression of humility.

Love Yehuda Lave

As part of my respect for other people, I need your help to help spread my blog.

I saw a friend at the Hovitz Chaim Deli on Tuesday and he loves my blog. I hope you feel the same way. I do it as a labor of love but I want to spread it to a wider audience. It would be a great favor to me if I could send my blog to your contact list. Obviously not everyone will want to be a regular member, but all they have to do is unsubscribe or sign up for once a week. I don't charge and I don't put on any commercial advertisements, all I ask is to let you spread my message of how to walk in G-d's way and be a better person to your contacts. If you have 10 or 50 or 100 people you email to, my list will grow substantially. I will do it all. Just write to me and tell me you are willing and I will give you a letter to send to your contacts to introduce me. You will be doing a great Mitzvah.

your friend

Rabbi Yehuda Lave






One serious snail

Making a steel drum --don't see this every day

Take the scary out of life


Why we fast

Last Sunday, we observed the Fast of the 17th of Tammuz which ushers in the Three Week of semi-mourning culminating in the fast of Tisha B'Av.

It might therefore be beneficial to delve deeper into the purpose of fasting in order to cultivate an appropriate state of mind as we enter this sad period.  To that end, I share with you an insight from my colleague, R. Yehonasan Gefen with my laced-in comments.

The Ben Ish Chai, zt"l, writes that there are two main purposes of fasting.  The first reason is fairly apparent. Fasting diverts a person from physical indulgences so that he can focus on more spiritual matters. That is, as the Rambam states (Hilchos Ta'aniyos 5:1), fasting ought to induce a mood of teshuva, of serious repentance.

His second reason is a little less obvious. When a person fasts, he feels hungry and endures considerable discomfort.  By placing himself in such a predicament, he becomes acutely sensitive and appreciative of the constant distress that a poor person experiences throughout his life.  This increased awareness will heighten his feelings of empathy for the poor man's condition and will move him to offer greater assistance to his unfortunate fellow.

The Ben Ish Chai applies this explanation to clarify an enigmatic statement in the Talmud. In Berachos (6b), we are told that, "the reward for fasting is charity."  He explains that the Talmud is telling us that the "take away" of a day of fasting is that it will inspire a person to give charity.  His very act of fasting will sensitize him to be more caring about the less fortunate people around and accordingly will arouse within him the desire to help them to a greater degree. 

Now, "charity" can be fulfilled in dollars and cents, or it can find expression by the manner in which we treat others. Treating another "charitably" means to be understanding and forgiving. It means to consider how a bit of chesed on my part might make all the difference in the life of another. Broadly speaking, "fasting" is a deprivation of sorts; physical, yes, but it can extend to emotional anguish or emptiness as well. By temporarily placing oneself in a situation similar to that of a person in distress – by fasting - one is able to show a far greater appreciation for his fellow's plight and thus respond with the charity of chesed

Here's but one example.

Rav Shach, zt"l, excelled in doing chesed by showing an understanding of his fellow's challenges.  On one occasion, he heard about a widower who was depressed to the point that he stopped functioning.   Rav Shach decided to visit the man in an attempt to bring him out of his misery.  Receiving no response to his knock, he let himself in and found the man lying motionless on the couch. "I know what you are going through," he said to the man.  "I'm also a widower.  My world is dark and I have no joy."  The man's eyes lit up for the first time in months - this encounter was the catalyst of the man's resumption of a normal life.  What was Rav Shach's secret? By stressing that he too experienced the feelings of losing a spouse, he showed the man that somebody truly understood his pain.

This lesson of fasting is particularly relevant to the 'Three Weeks' we are about to observe. Chazal tell us (Yuma 9b) that the Second Temple was destroyed because of failings in the area of bein adam lechaveiro, man's relation to his fellow.  If, by fasting, we can deepen our compassion for others and engender feelings of warmth and kindness to them, then these three weeks can help repair the terrible sins of the past and hold out Gd's promise of Tisha B'Av transforming from a day of mourning to a day of festivity.

Good Shabbos.

What makes G-d laugh--Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Direct Your Heart to Heaven - Jewish Meditation

Here's what you need to know about the UK's first double hand transplant