Get to Heaven Keep the Seven

Everybody wants spirituality. To be a good person means to walk in G-d's ways. How does that translate to reality? The only guidebook to spirituality that has stood the test of time is the Hebrew Bible. The Bible says that the Jews will be a light onto the nations. But if you are not a born Jew, you have to convert, which is not so easy!! If you do convert, it is a lot of work to be a Jew (three times a day prayer, keeping kosher, observing the Sabbath).

This blog will show you how to be Jewish without the work!!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Seven (7) Story Noah's Ark Replica being built in Kentucky USA and Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

Learn to Cheer Up Others

The Chafetz Chaim wrote: "When you see that someone is sad, there is an obligation to try to console him. This is a fulfillment of the mitzvah (good deed) of comforting mourners, which includes helping anyone overcome emotional suffering."

For this reason, even if you do not become sad easily, still try to find beneficial ideas for overcoming sadness. Although you might not need them, others will -- and you will be doing an act of kindness by helping them.

Love Yehuda Lave

7 story Noah's Ark Replica being built in Kentucky USA

Another video from facebook about the Ark


Rina Ariel, the mother of 13 year old Hallel Yaffa Ariel, who was murdered last week by a Muslim terrorist while sleeping in her bed, has made the following statement:

"I am the daughter of a kohen [member of the Temple priesthood} and I am married to a kohen and we believe that our house, the Holy Temple, will never again be destroyed. But we need help in strengthening the 'greater house of G-d,' [that is, the nation of Israel]. We said to Prime Minister Netanyahu who came to comfort us today, 'It is forbidden that a private household should be destroyed, but we must direct our concerns to the House of G-d. It is wholly untenable to allow the Muslims to have control of the Temple Mount. For there is a direct line from there to the murder of my daughter. This is not something disconnected. It is one and the same. If they receive a prize, if they violently riot and I [as a Jew] am chased off the Mount [by my government], then they come to my house and murder my daughter.'

'Hallel longed for the redemption. From an early age she ascended the Temple Mount. When we build the Holy Temple and it serves as a light to the nations, there will be no more murder.'

I think that the Prime Minister heard my words, but in general our voices are not heard enough, the voices of all who want to build the Holy Temple and believe that it is an integral part of our national home. It was important to me that he understand that the Holy Temple is not something to be confined the realm of the supernatural or surreal. It is a part of life. It is our life today. It is our house. Consider how we can build the Holy Temple so that our own [private] households will no longer be destroyed."

One serious fish

Great photos--these you have to see

"What Israel calls a terrorist attack"?!!! What would you call the butchering of a 13 year old girl while she slept? Unacceptable headline from the National Post.

Rabbi Mark Funeral

An unlikely but fantastic rendition of Wish you were here



Benjamin Kahane warns about the Clintons in 1993. Nothing has changed in 20 years

Kahane on the Parsha

Rabbi Binyamin Kahane- Parshat Balak


If someone were to read Parshat Balak objectively without any previous knowledge, he could easily get the impression that Bilaam is, at the very least, a righteous man. Throughout the entire parasha, Bilaam proclaims that he will only do what G-d tells him to. What piety! And let us not forget the wonderful blessings he bestows upon us. The fact is, we don't see any serious indication in the text that Bilaam is a vicious anti-Semite.

Someone, however, who reads Rashi's commentary from the outset of the Parsha will come away with a very different impression. Indeed, he will notice an interesting pattern. Every time Bilaam sounds righteous, Rashi places Bilaam's words and actions in a totally different light, attributing to him all kinds of strange motives. How can Rashi deviate so sharply from the Parshat, from the simple meaning of the text?

The fact is, however, that Rashi isn't deviating from the Parsha. For Rashi notices from the very beginning something strange about Bilaam's behavior. In his capacity as a prophet, he is asked to curse Israel. What is his answer? Does he reject the idea out of hand as one would expect from a decent person? No. Instead, he procrastinates- "Wait until morning," "Let us hear what G-d says," etc. - as if our "Tzaddik" somehow thinks he can pull it off!

More importantly, Rashi knows from the very beginning that Bilaam cannot be a saint considering that later on Bilaam advises Balak- completely on his own initiative- how to destroy the Jewish people. Indeed, in Parshat Mattot, when the Jews take vengeance against Midian, the Torah emphasizes: "And Bilaam ben Beor they killed by the sword" (Numbers 31:8)- for he was one of the major culprits responsible for the Jews sinning with the Midianite women.

Although somewhat ambiguous in Parshat Balak, the Torah later makes everything clear. It exposes the true fact of Bilaam the Jew-hater. The reason he didn't curse the Jews is because G-d forcibly prevented him from doing so. But his venom found a different outlet in his scheme to entice the Jews to immorality. Knowing the end of the story, Rashi realizes that Bilaam's righteous posturing in Parshat Balka is just that- behind which he is hiding his true desires. Bilaam is a fraud!!!!

In our own era, we encounter many "Bilaams." A superficial look at the Clintons of the world might reveal much good intention and even a certain "love of Jews." It may appear that the saying of the Rabbis, "It is a well-known rule that Esau hates Jacob," does not apply to them. However, a person who reads the Parsha of the gentile, Parshat Balak, accompanied by Rashi will see the situation for what it really is. The gentile's friendly demeanor and even the praises he may help upon us are a cover for the "final act" he has in store for us.

Like Rashi, we must have the foresight to see what they are really planning for us at the end oKahane"Parsha"- total retreat to the 1967 borders and the dismantling of our nuclear capabilities. In short, total submission. All their sweet talk is only a smoke screen for their demonic plans. Like Rashi, we must use foresight and interpret their deeds in the proper light from the very outset.

Darka Shel Torah, 1993

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