Get to Heaven Keep the Seven

Everybody wants spirituality. To be a good person means to walk in G-d's ways. How does that translate to reality? The only guidebook to spirituality that has stood the test of time is the Hebrew Bible. The Bible says that the Jews will be a light onto the nations. But if you are not a born Jew, you have to convert, which is not so easy!! If you do convert, it is a lot of work to be a Jew (three times a day prayer, keeping kosher, observing the Sabbath).

This blog will show you how to be Jewish without the work!!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Yehuda Glick's wife passes away

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Yehuda Lave, Spiritual Advisor and Counselor

Tone of Voice

A speaker's tone of voice is a key factor that will make a major difference whether he will have a positive effect or not. Matters pertaining to cold logic do not need a special tone of voice. However, when your goal is to arouse elevated spiritual feelings in someone, it is important to speak in a tone of voice that will inspire the appropriate elevated state.

Today, when speaking to someone about a personal matter, be conscious of how your tone of voice can enhance your message.

Love Yehuda Lave

lMK Yehuda Glick's wife passes away

Yaffa Glick, wife of Likud MK Yehuda Glick, passes away on Monday morning.

Yehuda Glick and his wife YaffaMiriam Tzachi

Yaffa Glick, the wife of Likud MK Yehuda Glick, passed away on Monday morning.

Yaffa was hospitalized at Jerusalem's Shaare Zedek Medical Center in June after she suffered a massive stroke.

"A few minutes ago, the love of my life returned her soul to her Creator," Yehuda Glick wrote Monday morning on Facebook. "Blessed be the true Judge."

Asking for prayers when Yaffa battled for her life, her husband wrote, "Dear friends - two years ago, she requested you pray for me. Now, due to a severe stroke, she needs your prayers. Tear open the heavens for Yaffa, the daughter of Leah."

In July, Yaffa was transferred from the Shaare Zedek Hospital to the complex nursing department at the Misgav Ladach Hospital in Jerusalem.. However, her health quickly deteriorated and on Monday morning she passed away.

Arutz Sheva will publish funeral details when they are known.

Likud MK Yehuda Glick on Monday morning tweeted, "I beg of you, please do not turn my dear wife's funeral into the subject of arguments."


"Please, increase love and positive energies."

Yaffa Glick's funeral will begin at 3:30p.m. at the Kehillat Yerushalayim funeral home in Jerusalem's Har Hamenuchot cemetery.

Yaffa Glick passed away on Monday morning, after suffering a massive stroke in June.

In his Facebook post announcing her death, Yehuda Glick wrote, "A few minutes ago, the love of my life returned her soul to her Creator. Blessed be the true Judge."

Wife of MK Yehuda Glick passes away

MK's wife Yaffa, who supported him throughout long recovery from nearly fatal shooting, passes away at 51 after 6 months in a coma; 'The love of my life has passed away,' Glick wrote on Facebook; she is also survived by their eight children, 2 in their foster care; PM, president offer their condolences.Elisha Ben Kimon and Moran Azulay|Published:  01.01.18 , 10:27

Yaffa Glick, the wife of Likud MK Yehuda Glick, passed away early Monday at the age of 51 after six months in a coma.

Mrs. Glick, who supported her husband as he was recuperating from the attempt on his life,  is survived by her husband and their eight children, of which two are foster children.


"Several minutes ago, the love of my life drew her final breath. Baruch dayan haemet," MK Glick wrote on his Facebook page Monday morning.


Sending his condolences, President Reuven Rivlin wrote, "My condolences go out to MK Yehuda Glick on the passing of his wife. I have followed her tragic story, as did the rest of Israel's people, and was in awe of her family's dedication. I embrace all of you."


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also expressed his sorrow, saying, "I spoke with our friend, MK Yehuda Glick, and gave him my condolences over the passing of his wife. Along with all of Israel, we mourn her passing and lend our support to his and his family's strength in this time of deep grief. May her memory be for a blessing."


Yaffa Glick had been comatose over the past few months and was intermittently hospitalized in Jerusalem's Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Misgav Ladach Hospital. Her funeral will be held at 3:30pm at Jeruaslem's Har HaMenuchot cemetery. 

In more earthly affairs, the supermarket bill is expected to be put to a Knesset vote on Monday for its second and third reading. Opposition Coordinator MK Yoel Hasson (Zionist Union) has announced the opposition will not offset Glick's vote. "Let them delay the vote," he said.



Yaffa Glick's medical woes began on a Friday six months ago, when the couple—who reside in the Otniel settlement—finished their Shabbat preparations. Yehuda Glick returned from a dip in a nearby pool and found his wife in dire condition, unconscious on the floor.



His daughter had called in emergency services while Glick's son—a Har Hevron Regional Council emergency responder and a paramedic by training—heard the call go out on the radio while he was in his room and went out to help his mother.


"My son was the first to begin treating Yaffa until the ambulance came," his father told Yedioth Ahronoth at the time.


"There was immense shock," Glick said. "There were no outbursts of crying, but a lot of pain and shock. Our married daughter sent her children away to her mother-in-law, because she couldn't cope with it, while our youngest—who was on his way to friends—turned his car around and wanted to come back home. I told him he should continue driving, because there wasn't much he could have done."


Paramedics tried saving Yaffa Glick in her home until Shabbat began, at which point they removed her to a hospital with serious brain damage. She had been in a coma ever since.


"The ramifications of the brain damage are still in God's hands, and I'm sure Yaffa is negotiating with him about it right now," Glick said in the interview. "I look at her lying in that hospital bed with all the machinery around her, and think she's no longer in pain. At least she has found some rest."

"Reality weighed too heavily upon her," her husband explained. "She was with me when the terrorist shot me and stood by me when my life was in danger. She has had a rough go of it since my recovery two years ago. Her father and brother-in-law passed away, a baby whose family she was caring for drowned in the bathtub and two neighbors who were very close friends of ours were murdered in separate terrorist attacks."


"A third neighbor was killed in a car accident, and Yaffa took it very hard. Since my own attack, she took everything very deeply to heart," the now-widowed MK said.

Just for today

DEAR READERS: Welcome to 2018! A new year has arrived, and with it our chance for a new beginning. Today we have an opportunity to discard destructive old habits for healthy new ones, and with that in mind, I will share Dear Abby's often-requested list of New Year's Resolutions -- which were adapted by my late mother, Pauline Phillips, from the original credo of Al-Anon:

JUST FOR TODAY: I will live through this day only. I will not brood about yesterday or obsess about tomorrow. I will not set far-reaching goals or try to overcome all of my problems at once. I know that I can do something for 24 hours that would overwhelm me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime.

JUST FOR TODAY: I will be happy. I will not dwell on thoughts that depress me. If my mind fills with clouds, I will chase them away and fill it with sunshine.

JUST FOR TODAY: I will accept what is. I will face reality. I will correct those things that I can correct and accept those I cannot.

JUST FOR TODAY: I will improve my mind. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration. I will not be a mental loafer.

JUST FOR TODAY: I will make a conscious effort to be agreeable. I will be kind and courteous to those who cross my path, and I'll not speak ill of others. I will improve my appearance, speak softly and not interrupt when someone else is talking. Just for today, I will refrain from improving anybody but myself.

JUST FOR TODAY: I will do something positive to improve my health. If I'm a smoker, I'll quit. If I am overweight, I will eat healthfully -- if only just for today. And not only that, I will get off the couch and take a brisk walk, even if it's only around the block.

JUST FOR TODAY: I will gather the courage to do what is right and take responsibility for my own actions. And now, Dear Readers, I would like to share an item that was sent to me by L.J. Bhatia, a reader from New Delhi, India: DEAR ABBY: This year, no resolutions, only some guidelines. The Holy Vedas say, "Man has subjected himself to thousands of self-inflicted bondages. Wisdom comes to a man who lives according to the true eternal laws of nature." The prayer of St. Francis (of which there are several versions) contains a powerful message: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; To be understood, as to understand; To be loved, as to love; For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. And so, Dear Readers, may 2018 bring with it good health, peace and joy to all of you. -- LOVE, ABBY


Some of the most rare images from history - those which express the most powerful events that have ever happened in the world. You absolutely cannot miss them. These are the jewels from the past.

Irish version of the Jewish Joke of kids coming home for Pesach

Late Christmas Joke - and it's Irish.....

A man in Ireland calls his son in London the day before Christmas Eve and says, "I hate to ruin your day but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough".

"Dad, what are you talking about?'" the son screams.

"We can't stand the sight of each other any longer", the father says. "We're sick of each other and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Leeds and tell her".

Frantically, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone, "Like hell, they're getting divorced", she shouts, "I'll take care of this".

She calls Ireland immediately and screams at her father, "You are NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?" and hangs up.

The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. 
"Done! They're coming for Christmas - and they're paying 
their own way!"

Observations on Life

SEX AT  73   I just took a leaflet out of my mailbox, informing me that I can have sex at  73. I'm so happy, because I live at number  71. So it's not too far to walk home afterwards. And it's the same side of the street. I don't even have to cross the road!   ~~~~~

  Answering machine message, "I am not available right now, but thank you for caring enough to call. I am making some changes in my life. Please leave a message after the beep. If I do not return your call,  you are one of the changes."   ~~~~~  

My wife and I had words, but I didn't get to use mine.   ~~~~~  

Frustration is trying to find your glasses without your glasses.   ~~~~~  

Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.   ~~~~~

  The irony of life is that, by the time you're old enough to know your way around, you're not going anywhere.   ~~~~~  

God made man before woman so as to give him time to think of an answer for her first question.    ~~~~~  

I was always taught to respect my elders, but it keeps getting harder to find one.   ~~~~~  

Every morning is the dawn of a new error.   ~~~~~  

The quote of the month is by Jay Leno: "With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?"   ~~~~~  

Aspire to inspire before you expire.

World Wide Wed: Saving Touch For Marriage

In the Jewish Orthodox faith, men and women reserve physical touch until after the wedding ceremony. In this episode of World Wide Wed, we meet Hadassa and Ze'ev, a young couple who unite their souls in the holy mitzvah of marriage before they've even held hands.

This video is a very romatic, idolyized version of realty.

Even it happens to some, it isn't the same when you are not 17 anymore, so take this with a large grain of salt.

Coral reefs are struggling everywhere – except for this one place

Scientists have made a fascinating discovery about some coral reefs' ability to withstand heat.

by Jaime Bender  |  Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Changes in the environment have wreaked havoc on the world's coral reefs. It was recently discovered that large portions of the Great Barrier Reef, one of the world's most beautiful underwater attractions, are either dead or dying.

Clownfish swim through the coral on Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Climate change is posing a serious threat to the reef's ecosystem. (Photo: WILLIAM WEST/AFP/Getty Images)

The situation is indeed dire. But in one region, coral seems to be not only surviving, but thriving.

Scientists out of Israel and Switzerland, working at the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat, Israel, found that coral reefs in the Red Sea are not bleaching, or expelling the algae living with them, like other reefs do when temperatures rise above the summer maximum. This bleaching is said to be the result of decades of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases. But in many of the Red Sea's coral reefs, corals are tolerating these rising temperatures.

"Under this kind of scenario, you would expect a coral to bleach, and eventually die," study author Thomas Krueger of Switzerland's École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne told The Scientist. "We saw nothing of that; in fact, the corals seem to be doing fine."


Among the scientists at the center of this research, there's a lot of optimism. Namely, they think the durability of the surviving reefs could be used to learn more about how to save the ones that aren't faring so well.

They published their findings in a scientific journal this month, highlighting the Red Sea reefs' resistance to heat and acidification. They think that these reefs are so resilient because they were "evolutionarily selected for heat tolerance during the migration through the warm southern Red Sea after the last Ice Age."

The giant clam's curvy mouth helps camouflage it in the Red Sea's coral reef. (Photo: Derek Keats/Flickr)

So what's next? Researchers say more work is needed, specifically more research on other coral species and their reproductive success under similar conditions. From there, the hope is that the heat-resistant coral can be used to reseed dying reefs elsewhere.


See you tomorrow

Love Yehuda Lave

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

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