Get to Heaven Keep the Seven

Everybody wants spirituality. To be a good person means to walk in G-d's ways. How does that translate to reality? The only guidebook to spirituality that has stood the test of time is the Hebrew Bible. The Bible says that the Jews will be a light onto the nations. But if you are not a born Jew, you have to convert, which is not so easy!! If you do convert, it is a lot of work to be a Jew (three times a day prayer, keeping kosher, observing the Sabbath).

This blog will show you how to be Jewish without the work!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Scotland Yard Considering Criminal Charges Against 5 Labour Anti-Semites By David Israel and Don’t Confuse Me With Facts. It’s Always About the “Occupation” and Yad Vashem Conference today and Netanyahu Gives Putin Disputed Old City Church in Exchange for Jailed Israeli Woman

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Yehuda Lave, Spiritual Advisor and Counselor

Yehuda Lave is an author, journalist, psychologist, rabbi, spiritual teacher and coach, with degrees in business, psychology and Jewish Law. He works  with people from all walks of life and helps them in their search for greater happiness, meaning, business advice on saving money,  and spiritual engagement

Love Yehuda Lave


A place where Parents pay and children play 🏼

*Life Insurance*
A contract that keeps you poor all your life
so that you can die Rich. 

A person who wakes u up to give you sleeping pills.

It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and a woman gains her masters.. 🏼

The hydraulic force by which masculine willpower is defeated by feminine waterpower. 

An art of transferring information from the notes of the Lecturer to the notes of the students without passing through "the minds of either" 

The confusion of one man multiplied by the number present.

*Conference Room*
A place where everybody talks, nobody listens and everybody disagrees later on

A banker provided by nature 

A person no different from the rest
....except that he/she got caught 🏻🏻

Someone who is early when you are late and late when you are early

One who shakes your hand before elections and
your Confidence after 

A person who tries to resolve your ills by pills, and kills you with his bills. 🏼🏼

A curve that can set a lot of things straight.

A place where you can relax after your strenuous home life. 🏻🏻

The only time some married men ever get to open their mouth. 

A sign to make others believe that you know more than you actually do.

Individuals who can do nothing individually and sit to decide that nothing can be done together. 

*Atom Bomb*
An invention to end all inventions.

Netanyahu Gives Putin Disputed Old City Church in Exchange for Jailed Israeli Woman

Following a report on Channel 13 on Monday night that as part of the efforts to release Naama Issachar Russia is demanding possession of Alexander's Court in the Old City, Ma'ariv on Wednesday morning published a document confirming that Israel had already responded to the Russian demand, and did it three weeks ago.

MK Omer Bar-Lev (Labor) tweeted in response: "In 2003, Sharon informed Putin that he would hand over Alexander's Court if Russia stopped selling weapons in the Middle East. Tomorrow, Netanyahu will hand it over in exchange for a girl who shouldn't have been in custody for one second." And he concluded: "We used to have strong leaders."


The land on which Alexander's Court was built, Which includes the Alexander Nevsky Church and several other buildings, was purchased in 1859 by Czar Alexander III, Emperor of Russia, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland.


The dispute over who owned Alexander's Court began after the Russian Revolution of 1917, with two organizations bearing nearly identical names claiming ownership of the complex. The first is the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, founded in 1882 by Vasily Khitrovo with the approval of Alexander III. It actually runs the complex. The competing organization is the Imperial Pravoslav Palestine Society, which is closely associated with the current czar in the Kremlin, President Vladimir Putin.

In response to a Maariv inquiry, the Russian foreign ministry stated that on December 30, 2019, Israel hjad made a formal decision to transfer ownership of Alexander's Court to the Imperial Pravoslav Palestine Society, and even published a document confirming this transfer.

So, to be clear, Israel was going to recognize the ownership over the Russian compound in the Old City sooner or later anyway – although it had been sitting on that decision since 2015. The Naama Issachar arrest and ridiculously harsh sentence of seven and a half years in jail over possession of 9.5 grams of hashish was just an incentive. Initially, the Russians were hoping to prevent the extradition of a Russian criminal hacker to the Americans in exchange for the Israeli woman sniffed by a customs dog in Moscow airport. Now they'll get a nice piece of real estate.

As to MK Omer Bar-Lev's sentimental yearning for strong leaders – we have strong leaders, in the Kremlin.

Scotland Yard Considering Criminal Charges Against 5 Labour Anti-Semites By David Israel

Scotland Yard Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick on Wednesday announced that six individuals, five of them Labour party supporters, had been arrested or interviewed with a warning following an investigation of their Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism on social media.

According to the Daily Mail, four men and one woman were Labour Party members, and another man remains under investigation. They all face charges of "publishing or distributing material likely to stir up racial hatred."


The Scotland Yard released the following quotes from the suspects' Facebook comments:

"We shall rid the Jews who are a cancer on us all."

"Be good, these Jewish [expletive] are the devils."

"As for the Jews, red see (sic) ideal destination, no need for gas chambers anyway as gas is so expensive and we need it in England."

Another reference was to "a Zionist extremist MP who hates civilized people, about to get a good kicking."

Commissioner Dick spoke on LBC radio, and said, "I think actually we've now arrested six people, and that was earlier in 2019. We've submitted five files to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in September of last year."

As to the anticipated timeframe of the prosecution of these anti-Semites, the commissioner said: "It's a very complex crime type, to be honest. So there is a lot for them to look at and a lot for them to consider, as to whether there is either sufficient evidence to charge and whether it is in the public interest so to do. They've got the files and we look forward to hearing what they say about them."

As do we.

Don't Confuse Me With Facts. It's Always About the "Occupation"

By Asaf Romirowsky

Like clockwork, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's recent observation that "the establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank is not, per se, inconsistent with international law" was immediately denounced by the Jewish Left.

The head of the Reform movement in North America, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, said the US government's new position on Israeli settlements will undercut the fight against BDS and the delegitimization of Israel in the US, specifically on college campuses.

It is not clear when Rabbi Jacobs was last on a campus, but the debate on North American college campuses is not about the so-called "occupation" but about whether Israel has a right to exist, period. Pro-BDS groups, including "Jewish" ones, are talking about the illegitimacy of the 1949 armistice lines, not those of 1967.

Moreover, a recent survey conducted by Ron Hassner at the University of California, Berkeley shows that most students who care strongly about the "Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories" do not have knowledge of even basic facts on the subject.

Jacobs's lack of understanding speaks to the divergent lexicon of the conflict, and more pointedly to the growing split between American Jews and Israelis. In many "progressive" circles there is little to no understanding of what areas are even in dispute; witness the continued claims that Gaza is "occupied" by Israel. For the BDS movement, everything Israeli, including Haifa and Tel Aviv, is a "settlement" and hence "illegal."

Far more than American policy, it is the language of "occupation" that plays a key role in what has become the religion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The main feature of that religion is the Palestinian claim that their (alleged) territories are "occupied" by Israel, regardless of where they are located on the map, much less in any legal sense under international law. The mantra of "occupation," and the demand that Israel be shunned until the "occupation" is ended—meaning the time when Israel is dissolved by the implementation of the Palestinian "right of return"—is the key demand of the Palestinians and the BDS movement.

Part of the problem is deliberate confusion over semantics. Historically, the word yishuv is usually defined as "the Jewish community in pre-State Palestine." It relates to those Jews who aspired to the national revival of the Jewish People in Palestine under the Ottoman Empire and the British Mandate or, as they called it, the Land of Israel. Moshav, which stems from the same root, connotes a place of residence. Over the years, Israelis have used the word hityashvut (residingand hitnahlut (settlement) interchangeably, all referring to building the land of Israel in terms of the nation-state. Biblically, the term nahala, which comes from the same root as hitnahlut, referred to the geographic location of each of the 12 tribes of Israel.

The weaponization of the term hitnahlut (settlement) began after 1967 by the PLO and the Arab world. For the government of Israel under Levi Eshkol, newly established communities were an outgrowth of military outposts that had been created with the clear understanding that they were the first line of defense between Israel and its enemies. But 52 years later, no one remembers that Eshkol headed the Labor government or that Israel made overtures toward reconciliation in the immediate aftermath of the Six-Day War. The only legacy preached by rabbis like Rabbi Jacobs are condemnations of the "occupation."

Naturally, Rabbi Jacobs continues to echo the left-wing mantra that "The US is giving a green light to settlements and settlement expansion. This could also be interpreted as a first step toward supporting any Israeli annexation efforts."

Jacobs's interpretation characterizes the entire Arab-Israeli conflict as a territorial one, ignoring its religious foundations and thus all the many ingredients necessary for peace to actually come about. The relegation of the conflict to a matter of land alone is the reason why all peace proposals over the past century have been rejected by the Palestinians. The essence of the two-state placebo is the belief that peace will come when there are two states living side by side. But the reality is that the resilience of Jewish-Israeli survival has been overshadowed by the false Arab-Palestinian notion of being "occupied" and "robbed" of their true destiny by religiously ordained supremacy.

Consequently, Israel is the "oppressor." The Palestinian concept demands that the "occupation" remain the root cause of all that society's problems, self-imposed and otherwise, from social and economic woes to terrorism. The fact that the Trump administration decided to acknowledge historical fact—that the 1949 boundaries were neither sacred nor a permanent border and were always subject to adjustment—has been known for over five decades. This reality will not change no matter how falsely the facts are described on campus or by the Reform movement.

A Jew is a Jew is a Jew By Justin Amler

Because for the last few days I've seen articles on social media and on online publications about Mizrachi Jews and Ashkenazi Jews and Eastern Jews and all other kind of Jews, articles that seem to imply some are more Jewish or have more rights than others and I thought to myself.

Does it really matter?

I understand the reasons for this, because in this day and age of arguing about skin color and whether you are brown enough or white enough, it works really well for our enemies to weave a false fantastical narrative that shows that Jews are some kind of white colonialists taking over the poor Arab's lands in Israel.

But in my view, there is too much focus these days on whether Jews are white or brown or black or from Arab countries or from European countries, because in all honesty, these are distinctions we often bring upon ourselves. To the larger world, including those who wish us harm – it really doesn't matter to them at all.

A Jew is a Jew is a Jew.

And we are the Jewish people – a people that came into being many thousands of years ago when a man called Abraham broke away from those around him to make a covenant with an invisible God – a covenant that continues to this day. Now it's true that we have many genetic markers that have travelled through history that are distinctive to the Jewish people, but being a Jew isn't solely in your blood. That's the reason that people who convert through the proper Jewish laws (halachic law) are considered 100% Jewish. And it's also true that just having Jewish blood doesn't make you Jewish either – as you are only considered a Jew if your mother is Jewish.

It's also true that the most observant Jew in the world who follows every single Jewish law there is is no more Jewish than the most secular Jew in the world who doesn't.

It's also true that every Jew in the world has a birthright – a right that includes being able to live in our Jewish homeland of Israel, but that right doesn't extend to be able to determine the future of Israel – not unless they choose to make Aliya and become part of the country and its voting public, which is something I completely agree with.

Jews are indigenous to Israel, not because of the colour of our skin, but because our nation was formed there, including our laws, our traditions, our history, our achievements, our successes and even our failures. You only need to look down and bury your hands in the earth beneath you and you'd be sifting through the sands of time looking back in the very places our ancestors existed. And you only need to look up and you'd be looking upon the future of where our people are heading. And you only need to look around its streets at the kaleidoscope of people passing you by in this very day to understand that being a Jew is not about what colour you are either.

No, being a Jew is far more than the superficial trapping of the pigmentation of our skin. It's far more than whether your grandmother was born in Egypt or born in Poland. It's far more than whether your family once spoke Yiddish or Ladino.

It's a spirit – a spirit that has flowed through the fabric of time from its simple beginnings to its more complex present. It's not an identity that you choose, but rather something that identifies you instead. It lives in us and influences us. It speaks to us – sometimes from the desolate recesses of our mind and sometimes from its blaring and booming center.

We all hear it and we all feel it – and even though far too many of us choose to ignore it, it doesn't ignore us.

It binds us and connects us from the kindness of Abraham to the struggles of Jacob to the dreams of Joseph, to the anguish of Moses to the beauty of Rachel to the daring of Devorah to the military prowess of King David to the ingenuity of Esther and to hundreds of generations more, because in each of us, we hear them.

They live on through us.

We were together when we left Egypt and we were together in the ghettos of Europe and we were together in the darkest days of European persecution and we were together in our brightest moments as we returned to our homeland of Israel.

And even as antisemitism has exploded again sweeping through this world, we will stand together once more.

For we are the Jews, a people who sometimes appear divided, yet share the same indomitable spirit within all of us – no matter where we come from and no matter whether we live in Israel or have not yet found our way home.

So when my son asked me what kind of Jews we are, I simply replied, we are the same Jews as every other Jew in this world – an ancient people with a birthright that cannot ever be extinguished. And although we may have lived in different countries for many years, we all once came from the Land of Israel many thousands of years ago and one day we will all return there.

The Fifth World Holocaust Forum – 23 January 2020

Heads of State from Europe, North America and Australia are converging at Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, for the Fifth World Holocaust Forum, taking place on 23 January 2020.

The event, entitled "Remembering the Holocaust: Fighting Antisemitism," is being organized by the World Holocaust Forum Foundation, headed by Dr. Moshe Kantor, in cooperation with Yad Vashem, under the auspices of the President of the State of Israel, H.E. Mr. Reuven "Ruvi" Rivlin.

As the world marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the message is clear – antisemitism has no place in our global society.

This historic event takes place against the background of the rise in hateful and violent expressions of antisemitism, especially in Europe. Given this alarming situation, efforts to educate about the dangers of antisemitism, racism and xenophobia and foster Holocaust commemoration, education and research have made this event more crucial and relevant than ever.

The Holocaust, aimed at the total annihilation of all Jews everywhere, and the eradication of their culture and history, was fueled by extreme racist antisemitism. In the aftermath of the Second World War, the international community enacted universal principles and instituted international organizations with the express purpose of averting future crimes against humanity. The ways in which antisemitism has persisted since the war and proliferated over recent years need to be identified, studied and understood. World leaders must be alert to antisemitism's current manifestations, and remain resolute in combatting it where it appears. It is the responsibility of all humanity, and especially the leaders that are gathering at Yad Vashem, to work to fight antisemitism, racism and xenophobia.

Yad Vashem works tirelessly to increase the knowledge and awareness of the history of the Holocaust, not only to ensure that its meanings continue to be relevant 75 years after the end of WWII, but also as a lighthouse warning against the alarming racism that is on the rise around the world today.

Defense Minister Naftali Bennett: 7 new nature reserves in Area C, expansion of 12 more

Defense Minister Naftali Bennett approves 7 new nature reserves in Area C and expansion of 12 existing reserves in Judea and Samaria

Defense Minister Naftali Bennett on Wednesday approved the announcement of seven new nature reserves in Judea and Samaria, along with the expansion of 12 existing reserves.

A directive was given to the Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria to advance the move, after years of political inaction.

Following the administrative procedure, the new reserves will soon be opened to the public by the Nature and Parks Authority. The seven newly announced reserves are as follows: Ariel Cave, Nahal Og, Wadi Malcha, South Jordan River, Bitronot, Nahal Tirza, Arvot Hayarden, and Rotem Maskiot.

At the same time, an area of ​​12 existing reserves will be expanded in the following places: Matzok Ha'atakim, Nahal Kana, Sartaba, Petza'el, Um Zuka, Einot Tzukim, Haruba, Salvadora persica (plant species), Gadir Mountain, Kane Vasmar, Wadi Malcha Marsh, and Qumran.

Notice will be given to the Palestinian Authority accordingly.

Defense Minister Bennett said: "Today significantly strengthens the Land of Israel and the continued development of Jewish communities in Area C. By deeds, not by words. In Judea and Samaria, there are many nature sites with stunning views and, among them, we will be expanding existing nature reserves and opening up new ones as well. I invite all citizens of Israel to get up and walk around the country, to come to Judea and Samaria, go on hikes there, and discover for yourselves the beauty of our continuously expanding Zionist enterprise."

Yaron Rosenthal, Director of the Kfar Etzion Field School, praised this new venture: "The Defense Minister's decision to add nature reserves in Area C is a lifeline to the ecological continuum of the Jordan River and the Jordan Valley. This is an area of ​​unique plant species, rare animals, and the last remaining natural habitat of these and other flora and fauna as well."

See you tomorrow bli neder

Love Yehuda Lave

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

PO Box 7335, Rehavia Jerusalem 9107202


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