Get to Heaven Keep the Seven

Everybody wants spirituality. To be a good person means to walk in G-d's ways. How does that translate to reality? The only guidebook to spirituality that has stood the test of time is the Hebrew Bible. The Bible says that the Jews will be a light onto the nations. But if you are not a born Jew, you have to convert, which is not so easy!! If you do convert, it is a lot of work to be a Jew (three times a day prayer, keeping kosher, observing the Sabbath).

This blog will show you how to be Jewish without the work!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Those who count the vote are the ones that count

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

Why People are confused about "Why bad things happen to Good People". After giving the Ten Commandments in the Torah Portion "Yitro", the Torah goes on in Parsha "Mishpatim" to tell how one should deal with when bad things happen to good people. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth are its most famous lines, which the Rabbis teach us don't mean what it reads. It means we pay the value of an eye for an eye and not putting on the perpetrators eyes. This is the place where G-d could say there is going to be a perfect world. But he does not. This teaches us that when bad things happen to good people it is part of life and the job of a human being is to deal with it.

Love Yehuda Lave.

Yesterday on Wednesday I used  my other server.  If you did not get my email let me know.

Three of the Most Talented Jewish Musicians Came Together And Made This
[Open in new window]

Orange is the new Black:

Funny Internet TV show about inmates attempting to be Jewish:

Book says: Why every Black woman should marry a Jewish man

I found this when watching the funny internet show.

Interesting perspective from black tv show and a woman who wrote a book with the title above:


Kahane on the Parsha

Rabbi Binyamin Kahane- Parshat Mishpatim


On the verse, "If a thief is found breaking in and is struck so that he dies, there shall be no bloodguilt on his account" (Exodus 22:1). Rashi cites a passage in the Talmud that is certain to shock liberal Jews:

"If one comes to slay you, rise and slay him first. And this thief indeed came to kill you since he knows that a person will not stand by quietly and watch his possessions being stolen. Hence, he is prepared to kill you if you confront him."

Absolutely amazing! In other words, the Rabbis are telling us that the rule of "If one comes to slay you, rise and slay him first" does not exclusively address someone with a knife being held to his throat. The rule is much more expansive. The Rabbis teach us that a person is obligated to think a few steps ahead and anticipate. If he thinks there is a real threat that someone may kill him, he is required to "rise and slay him first."

In this Talmudic passage, the Rabbis enter the psyche of the thief. They reason that the thief, knowing the likelihood of resistance, has prepared himself to kill the owner if necessary. Therefore, the owner may kill him immediately upon confronting him without waiting to see how the thief will react to being caught.

How we have distorted the concept of "If one comes to slay you, rise and slay him first"! The average Moderdox Jew thinks that one can only rise and slay the Arab who is throwing a Molotov cocktail or yelling "Allah Akhbar" as he chases his victim with a hatchet. He believes that if the danger is not "this very instant" - but rather will reveal itself in one hour or one week - the law does not apply. What was obvious to the Rabbis - that one MUST think a few steps ahead and that a person does not "not stand by quietly and watch his possessions being stolen" - is not obvious in today's society where "humanism" and distorted concepts of morality run rampant.

In Israel, Jews continue to passively accept being beaten and humiliated by our enemy, lacking the healthy and normal survival instinct to "rise and slay him first." This self-restraint is justified with the argument that the situation is not life-threatening. And so, soldiers and settlers shoot warning shots in the air after being attacked since the danger, as they see it, is not imminent. According to IDF guidelines, soldiers, upon seeing a terrorist, must shout a warning, shoot in the air, and, if the situation gets really hot, shoot at the terrorist's legs. Only a Jew who is already dead can shoot to kill since anyone who does so before that point will find himself facing murder charges. [Before the terror attacks today, this used to be the law for soldiers bg]

In short, we have learned two important lessons. First, the rule "If one comes to slay you, rise and slay him first" is not limited to a situation where someone is pointing a gun to your head; one is permitted to anticipate potential danger to life. Second, only a nation devoid of any self-respect doesn't rise up and fight back. After all, the Talmudic passage we quoted at the beginning of this article concerns fighting for one's property. Shouldn't its logic apply all the more so concerning fighting for one's life?

We must cease to interpret and define Halacha in accordance with our Western mentality and mindset. We must rise up, just like one rises early for Vatikin (shacharit/morning services), and think a few steps ahead so that we can kill the murderous trespassers before it is too late.

Darka Shel Torah, 1992


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