Get to Heaven Keep the Seven

Everybody wants spirituality. To be a good person means to walk in G-d's ways. How does that translate to reality? The only guidebook to spirituality that has stood the test of time is the Hebrew Bible. The Bible says that the Jews will be a light onto the nations. But if you are not a born Jew, you have to convert, which is not so easy!! If you do convert, it is a lot of work to be a Jew (three times a day prayer, keeping kosher, observing the Sabbath).

This blog will show you how to be Jewish without the work!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Dangerous Power of Nature

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

The Ultimate in Acceptance

The ultimate in accepting suffering is to accept one's death.

When Rabbi Meir Shapiro, head of the yeshiva in Lublin and originator of Daf Hayomi (the study of one page of Talmud each day), was on his deathbed, he requested that his students come into his room to dance and sing.

Rabbi Shapiro was no longer able to speak, but he wrote down two Hebrew words: "Rak b'simcha" (only with joy). As he was dying, his face was bright with joy, and he kept motioning with his lips: "Only with joy, only with joy..."

Love Yehuda Lave

Israeli innovation could save countless stab victims

Dangerous Power of Nature

Dangerous Power of Nature

The eruption of the volcano Mt. St. Helens
© Discovery Channel

Outrage as EU claims diplomatic immunity after using OUR aid money to 'meddle in the Middle East' by building on disputed West Bank land

EXCLUSIVE: EU uses diplomatic immunity to avoid legal action in Israel

The buildings are given to Palestinians to 'pave the way' for more land to be brought under Palestinian control. MPs have branded the EU's actions 'dodgy', 'arrogant' and 'a waste of money'.

Read the full story:

15 March 2016

Dr Seuss "Trump's book"

This is hilarious no matter where you stand in our presidential political maze of crazy.
Trump's children's book (two minutes)

Here are your Dry Bones blog updates

Dry Bones blog updates

  • Purim Is Coming!
  • More Recent Articles

Purim Is Coming!
Today's offering is an online Purim page that I did a while ago for the Jerusalem Post. This year, 2016, Purim starts on the evening ofMarch 23and continues throughMarch 24. In Jeusalem (and other "walled" cities) the holiday begins on the evening ofMarch 24and continues throughMarch 25. The idea behind this long cartoon was that you'd have to scroll down to read it. Like reading a Purim Megilla Scroll.


And a Happy PURIM to us all !

The joyful Feast of Purim celebrates a "close call" that the Jewish people had.
If you don't know the story, read the Book of Esther in the Bible.
Reading the Book of Esther is one way that we celebrate Purim.

Traditionally we attend a reading in the synagogue. (From a long scroll, sort of like this long Dry Bones Purim Web page)

Obviously the saving of one Jewish community in ancient Persia is not what makes the joyous Purim holiday so significant.

And the characters of "Queen Esther" and "Mordechai the Jew" are NOT what makes the holiday tick.

The tale of Purim is important because it provides us with a view of the archetypical villian, Haman.


And recognizing the sly Haman who wants to destroy us is important, because there seems to be a Haman in every generation.

And so on Purim we celebrate our escape from a long line of "Hamans" that stretches down through history and around the world!

On Purim we bake or buy tasty pastries called "Oznei Haman". (Which means "Haman's Ears" in Hebrew). The pastries are sometimes called "Hamantaschen" (Which means "Haman's Pockets" in Yiddish).

The triangular pastries are traditionally filled with poppy seeds. Yup, the seeds of the opium poppy. But the only buzz you'll get from "Hamantaschen" will be the yummy taste and the joy of Jewish continuity and survival.

Some people prefer other kinds of pastry fillings.

On Purim, we dress up our kids in costumes and send them to knock on the doors of our friends and neighbors.

But unlike the Halloween tradition, costumed Purim kids are not on "trick or treat" missions.

They bring a plate of food treats to give to the people whose doors they knock on.

This Purim custom is a way of letting our fellows know that we are celebrating the survival and continuity of the Jewish people and a way of expressing our love of our neighbors.

(And what better treat to deliver on this occassion than a plate of "Haman's Ears"?)


-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973


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