Get to Heaven Keep the Seven

Everybody wants spirituality. To be a good person means to walk in G-d's ways. How does that translate to reality? The only guidebook to spirituality that has stood the test of time is the Hebrew Bible. The Bible says that the Jews will be a light onto the nations. But if you are not a born Jew, you have to convert, which is not so easy!! If you do convert, it is a lot of work to be a Jew (three times a day prayer, keeping kosher, observing the Sabbath).

This blog will show you how to be Jewish without the work!!

Monday, March 19, 2018

6th Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism at the ICC March 19-21, Ambassador Friedman speaks,  and Information on Shabbat HaGadol this Shabbat

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Yehuda Lave, Spiritual Advisor and Counselor

Learn to Let Go

For those who have mastered serenity, fifteen seconds ago is ancient history. They realize that once something is over, it is over regardless of whether it has been over for many years or for a relatively short time. It is understandable that it can take different people varying amounts of time until they are able to let things go. But the goal should be to let go of what is over and done with. In truth it is gone whether or not you let it. It is just a question of the degree of emotional mastery that you will have. Regardless of where you are at this moment, you can always improve on your ability to let things go as soon as they are gone

Love Yehuda Lave

Last night's opening Talks at the 6th Global Forum for Combating Antisemitisim

More than 80 Cultural, religious and political leaders including your truly, Rabbi Yehuda Lave took place March 19-21 2018 at the International Convention Center, Jerusalem. These pictures are from the opening night talks when Naphtali Bennet, Ronald Lauder and others spoke. On the 20th Ayelt Shaked and Mayim Bialik will speak

At the Conference last night, Ambassador Friedman said in his talk, that he asked Abbas why he didn't criticize the three Israeli's murdered and this wa Abbas's response

Abbas lashes out at Israeli US ambassador, calling him 'son of a dog 'In a fierce speech on Monday, the Palestinian leader reiterated his condemnation of the Trump administration's recent moves regarding Jerusalem and slammed David Friedman, the US Ambassador to Israel, for legitimizing West Bank settlements.Mar 19, 2018,,  


    Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas on Monday fiercely attacked the Trump administration's Middle East policy.

    During a speech in Ramallah, Abbas slammed David Friedman, the US Ambassador to Israel, for legitimizing Israeli settlements in the West Bank. "He said, 'The Israelis are building on their own land,'" Abbas said, quoting Friedman. "Son of a dog! They're building on their own land? He's a settler himself and so is his whole family!"

    Abbas also denounced US President Donald Trump's recent moves to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and relocate the American embassy, both of which, he said, prove that the Trump administration views settlements as legitimate. "This has been expressed by more than one American senior official, most notably the ambassador in Tel Aviv," Abbas said

    Naomi the baby rhino takes her first steps with momma close by

    Week-old square-lipped rhinoceros calf Naomi made her first foray into the outside world on Tuesday (March 6), accompanied by her mother, Kwanzaa.


      The opening words of the third book of the Torah highlights for us an important idea. It is that God so to speak calls upon the people for service, position and action. Moshe is called on by God to order the services in the Temple. He used to see this task as being his personal responsibility.


    This idea that God calls upon people regularly to accomplish the will of Heaven is expressed in many examples in the Bible and in traditional rabbinic literature. It even resonates in the non-Jewish world where for a long time entering the clergy as a profession was described as being a calling.


    All of this is based on the idea that God communicates with his creatures on a regular and multifaceted basis. The rabbis have taught us that the Lord has many messengers and many means of delivering these messages. One should not think that this is random or haphazard.


    Therefore the word vayikra is employed rather than the word vayikar, which would imply a much more chancy and random situation. So it appears that God calls unto people regularly and with a divine purpose. The question is whether people are tuned to hear the call and act upon it.


    One of the great challenges of life is to do the right thing at the right time. This is true in personal life and in commercial enterprises, as well as in national and religious affairs. Being able to hear the voice of heaven challenging us and calling us is key to doing the right thing at the right time.


    God calls out to us in a still small voice as the prophet Elijah was told when he expected to hear the voice in the mighty wind or the frightening earthquake or the monstrous thunderstorm. Rather, the voice does not register in our ears but in our inner mind and heart. In describing the call of God to the mighty hero of Israel, Shimshon, the voices are being described as beginning to pound within him with the force of a tongue inside a bell.


    When the prophet Isaiah is called to service he hears a voice that proclaims: "Who shall I send and will go for us?" These questions are eternal and repetitive in every generation and under all circumstances. It is the still small voice that is heard that rings in our mind and pricks our conscience. It is how we feel that the Lord is calling us and allowing us to become His chosen partner in the process of creation and the evolution of civilization.


    There are times in life when one has to strain mightily to hear that voice. There are other times in both our personal and national lives when that call is self-evident and clearly heard. But the response to the call is always up to human beings, individually and communally. Certainly in our time, with the rebirth of the Jewish people in so many miraculous and unexpected ways, this call is heard pounding within us and guiding us towards the fulfillment of our mission as a people.


    Shabbat shalom


    Rabbi Berel Wein

    Dr. Harold Goldmeier

    Hi:I am a new columnist for Atlanta Jewish Times. Hope enjoy my first two articles for Pesach reading especially those of you celebrating 2 days yom tov. Wishing everyone a happy and kosher L'Pesach.

    Dr. Harold Goldmeier             
    Teacher, Business Consultant, Public Speaker, Financial Writer & CommentatorClick Here To Like My Ebook On Faceboo

    Rabbi Steinsaltz: "Work on yourself"

    Rabbi Pinchas Allouche tells a story from his time as a student in Rabbi Steinsaltz's class.

    One of his classmates asked Rabbi Steinsaltz what he should be working on in his life. Rabbi Steinsaltz answered, "Well, you should be working on knowing yourself first. Don't jump to solutions saying 'Oh, I have to study more Torah' because if you don't know what fits you, you'll never be able to grow that 'you'. So, you should be working on knowing yourself first." In this moving and timely video lesson, Rabbi Allouche connects for us the Hebrew words for Freedom and Searching which have the same root: "In order to truly be free we need to know ourselves first. We need to search and search and search deep within our seas and then unleash that which we find."

    May this Passover be a step ahead on your journey towards freedom.

    Chag Sameach,

    He also talks in the Video why we call this Shabbat, Shabbat Hagadol

    See you tomorrow

    Love Yehuda Lave

    Rabbi Yehuda Lave

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