Get to Heaven Keep the Seven

Everybody wants spirituality. To be a good person means to walk in G-d's ways. How does that translate to reality? The only guidebook to spirituality that has stood the test of time is the Hebrew Bible. The Bible says that the Jews will be a light onto the nations. But if you are not a born Jew, you have to convert, which is not so easy!! If you do convert, it is a lot of work to be a Jew (three times a day prayer, keeping kosher, observing the Sabbath).

This blog will show you how to be Jewish without the work!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives speech to joint meeting of Congress | full video & Jews In New Amsterdam In The 1600s And The Antisemitism Of Peter Stuyvesant By Saul Jay Singer & Safeguarding Minhagim From The Nazi Era By Israel Mizrahi & Two Strikes For Rob Manfred By Irwin Cohen & 800-Year-Old Hebrew-Inscribed Tombstone Discovered in India & Irving Berlin "God Bless America" on The Ed Sullivan Show

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