Get to Heaven Keep the Seven

Everybody wants spirituality. To be a good person means to walk in G-d's ways. How does that translate to reality? The only guidebook to spirituality that has stood the test of time is the Hebrew Bible. The Bible says that the Jews will be a light onto the nations. But if you are not a born Jew, you have to convert, which is not so easy!! If you do convert, it is a lot of work to be a Jew (three times a day prayer, keeping kosher, observing the Sabbath).

This blog will show you how to be Jewish without the work!!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Chalie Chaplin's unforgettable 70th birthday poem

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Yehuda Lave, Spiritual Advisor and Counselor

Healing is a life long task

Healing is a life-long task. It requires giving what we did not get. And it requires a great deal of compassion and patience. Every step is precious and important. Love heals. All Hashem asks from us is to be as loving as we can be at every given moment.

Love Yehuda Lave

Charlie Chaplin's Unforgettable 70th Birthday Poem

This is a poem by Charlie Chaplin, written on his 70th birthday, on April 16, 1959. It is an utterly inspiring self-address that meant a great deal to me when I read it for the first time. It felt as if the great screen icon was communing with my spirit, understanding just what the journey of life is all about. I just had to share this touching and knowing poem with you, because I know it will ring true for many people like me who feel they have grown with age.


When I started loving myself

I understood that I'm always and at any given opportunity

In the right place at the right time.

And I understood that all that happens is right –

From then on I could be calm.

Today I know: It's called TRUST.


When I started to love myself I understood

How much it can offend somebody

When I tried to force my desires on this person,

Even though I knew the time was not right and the person

Was not ready for it,

And even though this person was me.

Today I know: It's called LETTING GO


When I started loving myself

I could recognize that emotional pain and grief

Are just warnings for me to not live against my own truth.

Today I know: It's called AUTHENTICALLY BEING.


When I started loving myself

I stopped longing for another life

And could see that everything around me was a request to grow.

Today I know: It's called MATURITY.


When I started loving myself

I stopped depriving myself of my free time

And stopped sketching further magnificent projects for the future.

Today I only do what's fun and joyful for me,

What I love and what makes my heart laugh,

In my own way and in my tempo.

Today I know: it's called HONESTY.

When I started loving myself

I escaped from all that wasn't healthy for me,

From dishes, people, things, situations

And from everything pulling me down and away from myself.

In the beginning I called it "healthy egoism",

But today I know: it's called SELF-LOVE.

When I started loving myself

I stopped wanting to be always right

Thus I've been less wrong.

Today I've recognized: it's called HUMILITY.


When I started loving myself

I refused to live further in the past

And worry about my future.

Now I live only at this moment where EVERYTHING takes place,

Like this I live every day and I call it CONSCIOUSNESS.


When I started loving myself

I recognized, that my thinking

Can make me miserable and sick.

When I requested for my heart forces,

My mind got an important partner.

Today I call this connection HEART WISDOM.



We do not need to fear further discussions,

Conflicts and problems with ourselves and others

Since even stars sometimes bang on each other

And create new worlds.

Today I know: THIS IS LIFE!


Michael Coren on Zionism The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs

‎Yishai Fleisher ישי פליישר‎ was live and I was there

Controversy over Tzohar's prenuptial Get

44 Orthodox Rabbis Attack Tzohar Prenuptial Get: If You Support It You're Not Orthodox




 18 Tammuz 5777 – July 12, 2017 



A document obtained by Srugim, signed by dozens of rabbis, including ultra-Orthodox Rabbis Moishe Sternbuch, Avraham Auerbach, and Shlomo Yosef Mahfoud, as well as leading Religious-Zionist poskim, such as Rabbis Avigdor Nebenzahl and Dov Lior, attacks a prenuptial get-writ of divorce proposed by the Modern Orthodox Rabbinic group Tzohar, saying that in reality "this marriage agreement means the very destruction of the religion, causing individuals to sin in having relations with a married woman and increasing mamzerim-children of illicit coitus in the nation of Israel."

Rabbi Avraham Stav, who teaches at Har Etzion Yeshiva and is a member of Tzohar, explains the essence of the proposal, saying that "when one spouse announces his/her desire to break up the marriage, this initiates a period of 6-9 months of attempting to restore the marriage with the help of a professional. At the end of that period, should the attempts at restoration fail, the spouse who decides to delay the divorce will be charged a monthly payment to the other party of about $1,680 or half of his/her monthly salary, whichever is higher."

This amount should allow the 'detained' spouse a dignified existence that suits the standard of living to which he/she is accustomed in food and housing," Stav explains. "Both spouses are obligated to make the aforementioned monthly payment from the moment of their marriage, but each party pardons the other of the obligation to pay as long as they have not reached a state of separation."

This is a creative solution which attempts to bypass the coercion problem inherent in prenuptial get deals, because, by Jewish law, a get must be given absolutely voluntarily. Here there is no coercion, ostensibly, rather this is a financial agreement between spouses, which takes effect when a specified condition is met, in this case when one of them moves out of the house.

Rabbi Nebenzahl, Senior Dean of Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh, faculty member at Yeshivat HaKotel, and spiritual leader of the Ramban Synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem, wrote that "he who incites individuals to sign such an agreement is not an Orthodox rabbi, and his halakhic rulings can not be relied upon."

Rabbi Dov Lior, former rabbi of Hebron and Kiryat Arba, wrote: "This agreement is contrary to the fundamentals of halakha and may lead to serious problems of divorce and adultery, in addition to the destruction of the sanctity of family life. Such an agreement has already been rejected by the chief rabbis of Israel."

The Chief Rabbinate in Israel is the most effective Jewish court in the world when it comes to enforcing a get, having at its disposal as it does the full resources of the State, including its prisons. Also, the state of mind of a husband who signed the Tzohar prenuptial agreement may be affected by the financial consequences to the point where his get may not be given in a purely voluntary manner.

The Chief Rabbinate in Israel is the most effective Jewish court in the world when it comes to enforcing a get, having at its disposal as it does the full resources of the State, including its prisons.

The Tzohar proposal, in its attempt to reach a get without the involvement of the Rabbinical Court, may actually create the kind of coercion that puts the get in question, and endangers the halakhic status of the divorced wife's children from her new husband.

Tzoar's Rabbi Avraham Stav answers this claim saying that the payments, though punitive, are also a much-needed support for a wife who may otherwise find herself out on the street.

Tzohar is yet to issue an official response to the attack on their proposal.


Tchaikovsky - Waltz Of The Snowflakes

Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake - The Kirov Ballet

See you tomorrow

Love Yehuda Lave

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

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