Get to Heaven Keep the Seven

Everybody wants spirituality. To be a good person means to walk in G-d's ways. How does that translate to reality? The only guidebook to spirituality that has stood the test of time is the Hebrew Bible. The Bible says that the Jews will be a light onto the nations. But if you are not a born Jew, you have to convert, which is not so easy!! If you do convert, it is a lot of work to be a Jew (three times a day prayer, keeping kosher, observing the Sabbath).

This blog will show you how to be Jewish without the work!!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Schedule of classes going on for Tish A'bov on Monday night and Tuesday Day

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Yehuda Lave, Spiritual Advisor and Counselor

We Have All Dropped a Few

Excessive guilt feelings for past failings will prevent you from doing more good deeds in the present.

Focus on doing as many good deeds as possible. Imagine a person with a limited time to collect diamonds from a large pile. Whatever he puts in his sack is his. In his haste he might accidentally drop a few. Only a fool would stop collecting more and bemoan his misfortune. Any sensible person would keep focused on the many diamonds he is still able to collect, and work diligently to pick up as many as he can. What is lost is truly a great loss, but he still has an immense amount of wealth to gain by gathering more.

A person who has failed to do some good deed is in a similar situation. If he merely keeps telling himself he is an awful person, it will keep him from trying to do as many good deeds as possible in the present.

Diligently try to do as much good as possible in the present. Every good deed we perform is a valuable jewel. The wise person gathers as much spiritual wealth as possible.

The same applies to all the classes I am listed below for Monday night and Tuesday for Tisha Abov. You can't go to them all but you can gather up some diamonds.


Love Yehuda Lave

What is Tisha B'Av

Tisha B'Av, the 9th day of the month of Av (Jul. 31 - Aug. 1, 2017), is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, on which we fast, deprive ourselves and pray. It is the culmination of the Three Weeks, a period of time during which we mark the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

What Happened on 9 Av

1313 BCE: The spies returned from the Promised Land with frightening reports, and the Israelites balked at the prospect of entering the land. G‑ddecreed that they would therefore wander in the desert for 40 years. Read more.

Both Holy Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed on this date. The First Temple was burned by the Babylonians in 423 BCE (read more) and the Second Temple fell to the Romans in 70 CE (read more), unleashing a period of suffering from which our nation has never fully recovered.

The Bar Kochba revolt against the Romans in 133 CE ended in defeat: The Jews of Betar were butchered on the 9th of Av and the Temple Mount was plowed one year later on the same date. Read more.

Later on in our history, many more tragedies happened on this day, including the 1290 expulsion of England's Jews and the 1492banishment of all Jews from Spain. Read more.

More: What Happened on Tisha B'Av?

How 9 Av Is Observed

The fast begins at sunset of the 8th of Av and concludes at nightfall the following night. During this time, we do not

  • eat or drink
  • wear leather footwear
  • bathe or wash ourselves (washing only until the knuckle when mandated by halachah)
  • apply ointments or creams
  • engage in marital relations or any form of intimacy
  • sit on a normal-height chair until chatzot (the time when the sun has reached its apex)
  • study Torah (except for the "sad" parts that deal with the destruction of the Temples, etc.)
  • send gifts, or even greet one another (you may respond to greetings)
  • engage in outings, trips or similar pleasurable activities
  • wear fine, festive clothing

Read more: The Laws of Mourning

What We Do

Starting from midday on 8 Av, we limit our Torah study to the few allowed topics that are of a sad nature or pertain to the Temples' destruction.

We eat a square meal in the afternoon, before Minchah services. Then, late in the afternoon, a "separation meal," seudah hamafseket, is eaten. It consists of bread and a hard-boiled egg dipped in ashes, accompanied by water. This meal is eaten alone, sitting on a low stool. (See here for how this plays out when Tisha B'Av follows Shabbat.)

The meal must be over by sundown, when all the laws of Tisha B'Av take effect.

Tisha B'Av evening services are held in synagogue, where the ark has been stripped of its decorative curtain and the lights dimmed. Evening prayers are followed by the chanting of Eichah (Lamentations).

Morning prayers are held without tallit and tefillin, since both are considered adornments. Most of the morning is occupied by the reading of Kinot, elegies marking the various tragedies that befell our people.

Work is permitted on Tisha B'Av, but discouraged. On this day, one's focus should be on mourning and repentance. If one must work, it is preferable to begin after midday.

It is customary to give extra charity on Tisha B'Av, as on every fast day.

After midday, it is permissible to sit on chairs, and tallit and tefillin are worn during the afternoon prayer. In the synagogue, the ark's curtain is restored to its place before the afternoon prayers.

Many communities have the custom to clean the house and wash the floors after midday, in anticipation of the Redemption, which we await.

Many important details and laws can be found in Order of the Day and What to Expect at Tisha B'Av Services.

After the Fast

When night falls, before breaking the fast, one should perform netilat yadayim (hand-washing), this time covering the entire hand with water, but without reciting the blessing. It is also customary to perform Kiddush Levanah at this point, celebrating the rebirth of the moon, and our hoped-for national rebirth.

The Temple was set ablaze on the afternoon of the 9th of Av, and it burned through the 10th. Therefore, the restrictions of the Nine Days (such as not eating meat, swimming or laundering clothing) extend until midday of the 10th of Av.

The Joy Within the Sadness

Even as we mourn, there is an element of joy and comfort. Indeed, the reading of Eichah concludes with the verse "Restore us to You, O L‑rd, that we may be restored! Renew our days as of old." There is also a custom among many to use flimsy paperback Kinot booklets, hoping that they will not be needed next year.

It is by no accident that Scripture refers to this day as a mo'ed, a holiday, and Tachanun (prayer of repentance) is not said today. May the time soon come when we look back with the clarity of hindsight to see how all our suffering was but a prelude to happiness and goodness, with the coming ofMoshiach. Amen!

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Friday Night classes


(Shiurim are in English)



Hazvi Yisrael Synagogue (Hovevei) | Hovevei Zion 14 POB 4400 | Jerusalem | ISRAEL | 91043 | 052 383 2379


Tisha B'Av evening after Kinot (8:45 PM)- Rabbi Jeff Bienefeld will give a shiur. TOPIC: Confronting the Sin of the Churban



Yiboneh at the Tower of David

We have over 100 registered participants...Just to remind those interested but didn't yet properly register by email..PLEASE DO SO BEFORE WE NEED TO CLOSE REGISTRATION... at the following link:

Ohr Samayach Schedule

8:10 pm Maariv & Eicha
followed by a shiur by
Rabbi Yitzchak Dalah
7:50 am Shacharit
8:50 am - 12:15 pm Special Kinot Reading &
Explanation with Rav Yitzchak Breitowitz,
Rav, Kehillat Ohr Somayach
12:15 pm - Eicha
12:45 pm Rav Nota Schiller, Rosh Hayeshiva
1:45 pm Rav Yitzchak Breitowitz
2:45 pm Rav Nachshon Schiller,
Rosh Yeshiva, Ohr Shmuel
3:30 pm Rabbi Dovid Kaplan
4:15 pm Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb
5:00 pm Rabbi Avraham Rockmill
5:45 pm Rabbi Reuven Lauffer
6:15 pm Rabbi Yaacov Asher Sinclair
7:30 pm Rabbi Yehuda Samet
6:50 pm Mincha - 7:59 pm Maariv - End of Fast 8:05 pm
Ezrat Nashim will be open throughout the day.
22 Shimon Hatzadik Street, Maalot Daphna, Jerusalem
Bus 25, 45, 34 & Light Rail to Shimon Hatzadik
arutz yashir tisha bav 5777 ad A4_Layout 1 20-Jul-17 12:26 PM Page 1


Heat warning:

They are expecting extreme temperatures on Tisha B'av, esp in Yerushalayim. Make sure to drink beforehand plenty and take necessary precautions.


Date: Monday night and Tuesday, July 31- August 1.

Begins  19.41 on Monday and ends 20:05 on Tuesday.


Note – Most evening readings of Eicha are at 8pm

Emeck Learning Center– 64 Emek Refaim – Programme details – Look on flyer.


Pardes — Beyond Lamentations: Discord and Harmony

OU Israel Center

Gruss Kollel, Rechov Duvdevani 40, Bayit Vegan, from 8am.

Rabbi BrovenderClick on here.

Shir Chadash:

Maariv & Eicha (Monday Night): 8 PM at EMEK REFAIM 45 LOCATION
Shacharit & Kinot (Tuesday): 8:15 AM at CHOPIN 3 LOCATION
Mincha (Tuesday): 1:20 PM, followed by the movie Bridging Worlds at EMEK REFAIM 45 LOCATION

Jaffa Gate with Rabbi Ariel Tal

Eretz Chemdah, Bruriya 2: Monday Evening: 7.35 pm – Fast Starts 8.00 pm – Maariv & Eicha Tuesday Morning: 8:00 am  – Shacharit followed by an in-depth analysis of selected Kinnot led by Rabbi Prof. Daniel Sinclair. 8.05 pm – Fast Ends.

Tisha Bav Old City – Eicha Reading

Yakar, Jerusalem. Reading Eicha at 8pm and then 8am.

Programmes at Begin Center and Bet Avi Chai – Look at flyers below.

Ohel Nechama Shul, Rechov Chopin, Tisha B'av afternoon programme.

Yemin Moshe – Look on flyer.



Tuesday day classes

In addition to the programs listed above and below, Rabbi Pincus Rosenzweig will give a class at 11:00 At Mayanot Shul On Narkis street.


10:15 AM – 2:30 PM Rabbi Chaim Ilson will give a shiur in English on Themes of the Kinnot. (The shiur will be streamed).   Rabbi Chaim Ilson - Rabbi Chaim Ilson was a leading talmid of Rabbi J.B.. Soleveitchik Z"L (The Rov) at RIETS/YU for over 10 years.  He coedited (with Rabbi Dr. Haym Soloveichick and Rabbi Yitzchak Lichtenstein) Chidushai Hagram Halevi, Chiddushei Hagram v' Hagrid and Igros Hagrid Halevi    He led a kollel for 10 years and then opened Yeshiva Derech HaTalmud.   As a Brisker, Rav Ilson tries to give over a particular derech to his students that teaches them to learn simple p'shat in the gemarah and rishonim by "reading the words." He is not fond of pilpul and "reid."   He is a truly brilliant mind – he recently published a sefer Pri Chaim on sheve'is  and is working on sefarim on on Sefer Hamitzvos. Rambam Hilchos Tefillah, the Moadim, Ohalos, and Chullin. Rabbi Ilson is one of the few talmidim who was zocheh to study with the Rov in his apartment (along with the Rov's  grandson, Moshe Twersky)   He has a very likable style of saying a shiur and is very warm and personable with his talmidim

Question: Do disposable vessels and electric kettles require immersion in a Mikveh?

Answer: In the previous Halachot, we have discussed the general law that any new vessels purchased from a non-Jew must be immersed in a Mikveh before using them. We shall now discuss whether or not disposable vessels require immersion.


We have already explained that according to Maran zt"l, plastic vessels do not require immersion even if they are not disposable. We must therefore discuss the law regarding disposable aluminum vessels (such as pans, cookie sheets, and the like) and whether or not they require immersion in a Mikveh.


We find a similar discussion regarding the Mitzvah of Kiddush on Shabbat which must be recited on a cup of wine. The Poskim discuss whether or not a disposable cup can be considered a "vessel" regarding this matter. If a disposable cup is considered a "vessel" regarding Kiddush, it should follow that the same is true regarding immersion in a Mikveh. If so, disposable aluminum vessels would halachically require immersion.


Maran zt"l discusses this topic in his Chazon Ovadia-Shabbat (Volume 2) and he concludes that disposable cups are indeed valid for the Mitzvah of Kiddush according to the letter of the law as they are indeed considered "vessels" and the same would hold true regarding the status of disposable vessels with regards to immersion in a Mikveh. Nevertheless, Maran zt"l adds that since there are several Poskim who differentiate between the laws of Kiddush and immersion, such vessels should be immersed without reciting a blessing in order to avoid a possible blessing in vain.


We must nevertheless point out that many aluminum vessels produced in Israel are not produced by non-Jews; rather, they are manufactured by Jewish companies. Even regarding aluminum vessels produces outside of Israel, there is indeed basis to exempt them from immersion in a Mikveh, for aluminum was a metal which was not yet discovered in earlier generations and the Torah does not delineate an explicit commandment to immerse aluminum. Maran zt"l himself uses this rationale to rule leniently on an unrelated matter (regarding the laws of impurity of a corpse, see Chazon Ovadia-Avelut, Part 2). He quotes that Hagaon Harav Moshe Feinstein zt"l rules likewise. Thus, one need not protest vehemently against those who customarily use such disposable aluminum vessels without first immersing them in a Mikveh, for they indeed have on whom to rely (this is especially true if one is unsure if the owner of the company is Jewish or not).


An Electric Kettle
The Poskim disagree whether or not an electric kettle requires immersion, for we have a rule that anything attached to the ground does not require immersion in a Mikveh since a vessel which cannot become impure does not require immersion and anything attached to the ground cannot become impure. Thus, several Poskim, including Hagaon Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt"l,write that since the primary usage of an electric kettle is when it is plugged into the outlet, it is considered attached to the ground and does not require immersion. However, halachically speaking, even Hagaon Harav Auerbach did not wish to rely on this reason alone to exempt electric kettles from immersion, for they are used even when they are not connected to the outlet.


Indeed, Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt"l writes that it is preferable to act stringently and immerse an electric kettle in the Mikveh. If one is worried that immersing it in water will ruin it, one should give it to a non-Jew as a gift and then ask him to lend it back to him, for one who borrows or rents a vessel from a non-Jew need not immerse the vessel since he has not purchased them fully and this is no longer comparable to the vessels of Midyan which the Jewish nation took full ownership of. Hagaon Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach adds another way to exempt the electric kettle from immersion and that is by giving it to a licensed Jewish electrician who will then take it apart in a professional manner that not just anyone could try at home. The electrician should then put it back together and this will be considered as though one had purchased the kettle from a Jew and it will not require immersion.


Summary: Disposable aluminum vessels produced outside of Israel require immersion in a Mikveh without a blessing. (Some rule leniently on this matter.) An electric kettle likewise requires immersion without a blessing. One can exempt it from immersion by giving it as a gift to a non-Jew and then asking the non-Jew to lend it back to him. Another way to exempt the kettle from immersion is by having a Jewish electrician take it apart in a professional manner and then putting it back together again.

Jerusalem – Then and Now | בית אבי חי‎

Old Historic pictures in the library of Beit Avi High


France's secret links to Nazi Holocaust revealed

Amazon under fire for selling illegal and dangerous weapons including stun guns, knuckledusters and pepper sprays

Illegal weapons sold in Christmas run in on 

An investigation found that each of the items were available to buy on Amazon UK to be sent to addresses in Britain - despite being in breach of strict UK firearms and offensive weapons laws.

Read the full story:


See you tomorrow--Have a Meaningful fast on Tuesday

Love Yehuda Lave

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

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